5 Subjects to Take Your Freshman Year to Help You Adjust to the College Lifestyle

When you arrive at college, you may think you need to immediately start classes for your major. Some students during their first year may not have decided what major they want to commit to, and others may end up changing their major down the road. Instead of diving headfirst into your potential specialization classes, take some time to study more general topics in your education. Certain subjects taken during your freshman year can be beneficial to your future studies in college and help you adjust more. Here are five important subjects to sign up for during your freshman year.  

1. Design
At some point during your freshman year, take a class related to design. There are many different options you could choose from that could potentially meet a general education requirement. You could try a class in art, interior design, or even graphic design. Learning elements of design can be helpful when you’re completing projects or papers during your studies throughout your time in your university. You could learn about the importance of presentation and format for projects and research.

2. Communication
Communication is another topic that every student should take at least once in their career. In a communication class that offers a general overview of the subject, you may learn how to present information effectively. Some classes specifically focus on public speaking and verbal communication strategies, which can help when it’s time to give an oral presentation. Other classes are primarily concerned with the craft of creating an effective message in writing and getting your point across. This is an invaluable skill in all parts of college writing and research.

3. Sports
It’s also a great idea to take a physical movement class. Many colleges offer a variety of interesting fitness classes, team sports, individual activities, and dance lessons. Not only are these classes fun and a relief during the stressful first few months of college, they also promote a healthy lifestyle during this transition from living at home with your parents to being out on your own in your college dorm. At colleges like Adelphi, you can even help promote the collegiate sports industry and be a part of a huge base of fans and students from their sports management program.

4. Education
Next, consider taking a class from the education department at your university. Understanding how the mind works during the learning process can help you master the art of studying, notetaking, and developing a stronger knowledge base. Maryville’s doctorate in education program shows students how to go beyond the basics of understanding the learning process and develop into educational leaders.

5. Finance
The last type of subject to learn about as a new freshman is finance. As a newly independent adult, it’s time to learn about the basics of personal banking and balancing your checkbook. A course in finance may help you stretch your limited college student budget and plan better for the future.

Your first year of college is going to be exciting, overwhelming, and exhausting. Take advantage of this time by taking basic classes in important topics that could benefit your studies in any type of major.