Courses of good manners for children

good manners

Pennington Hotel is a London hotel that has taken on the educational process of teaching children good manners. After all, the summer season is a time for traveling, vacations, and vacations, and modern little children do not know good manners for the most part, and substitute parents with their whims, tears and hysterics forcing them to blush.

best good manners

And in the behavior of children parents are judged, apparently, they are so brought up! But more often than not, children do not know how to behave in a restaurant, what devices to use, why napkins, and why parents blush and raise their voices. Well-educated children with good manners are the dream of every parent. Read more: Online training. Advantages and disadvantages of re-education

According to statistics, 28% of parents say that the best behavior at the table is associated with stress on vacation, and 48% admit that they are ashamed of their children when they visit the restaurant.

Courses of good manners

Classes are held for children aged from five to ten years. The duration of the session is one hour, the courses of good manners are designed for two weeks.

The Pennington Hotel plans to create courses on a regular basis during the holidays and vacations, which fully coincide with the tourist seasons. The hotel administration is convinced that this initiative will be appreciated and at the same time will attract the attention of parents to their hotel and even become one of the decisive factors when choosing a hotel during the rest. Parents who have enrolled children in the courses will be able to have fun and really relax during the occupation of professionals with the child and no longer think that his child will make him blush or even worse shout at him in crowded places.

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