Employability of a degree in computer engineering

computer engineering

Do you plan to make a degree in computer engineering? The career opportunities that can offer this training you are, today, very different. We present some of them.

Computer engineering career with more professional opportunities

Industrial engineering and computer science, along with the career of Administration and Management (ADE) have usurped the position occupied once Medicine and Law to establish itself as the formations with higher labor projection, as stated in the study by Randstand Professionals.

Without leaving the results to the above analysis has come, it would not be inconsiderable remember that a rise of some 16% in seen temporary contracts, with the industry sector (especially related to food and automotive), construction and ICT (Information Technology and Communication) which have better recruitment prospects in the coming months.

computer engineering
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The possibility of working in an IT consulting is one of the many opportunities that training in computer engineering can provide you tomorrow. In this area, analysts and software designers, programmers, Web, multimedia designers, and managers of information systems and networks are some of the most demanded professional profiles. Without going any further, early last year 2015, hiring these professionals increased by three times over the previous year, a trend that will continue to rise the coming months.

What I can work if I study computer engineering?

The great influence in today’s society calls exert ICT makes career possibilities for students who have completed the career of computer engineering are considerable, both in the public sector and the private sector. Some of the companies in which they can demonstrate their knowledge and skills are acquired, for example, those related to the calculation, research, financial institutions, companies hardware and software, technology, telecommunications, computer and security.

In any of the entities mentioned in previous lines, graduates can have positions of great responsibility in the departments of Computer Science, Communication Systems, Consulting Systems, Database Administration or teaching in the ICT sector.

The graduate in computer engineering may exercise as a computer technician safety. In this case, your mission will be to analyze, manage, implement, evaluate, maintain and audit all actions and computer security systems that protect systems and networks from a business entity with certain threats.

They may also act as technical R & D, taking care at all times to implement programs and actions Research, Development and Innovation for new forms of business management and scientific and technological projects.

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On the other hand, as a computer systems analyst purpose it will be aimed to the study, analysis, implementation and maintenance of the computer system, depending always on the needs of users as well as to improve the performance of networks and communications the companies.

A webmaster perform creative design, technical maintenance, layout, content updating or “lay-out” distribution of services through the Internet and everything related to the management and security.

If you choose to work as a development engineer in software and hardware, you encourage to maintain and develop all software through the implementation of technologies and practices of computer science. In addition to determining the requirements to be fulfilled by the program, these professionals have to handle the design, programming and software testing and creating documentation and maintenance.

You can also work as a computer for user support and maintenance (Hepldesk), whose mission is to configure, install, and maintain an inventory of computer equipment both hardware, software, applications and services in a company.

Along with these profiles we can highlight many as a business consultant in Internet applications analyst, technician or commercial computer Artificial Intelligence, specializing in the sale of projects and / or equipment to companies and institutions.