Why it is IMPERATIVE that patients medical records are correct, legible and stored confidentially.

It is clearly documented in the Data Protection Act of 2018 that patients medical records and personal information MUST be kept in a confidential, secure way at all times.  It is IMPERATIVE that even during any transfer between medical facilities that these private documents are protected against damage, accidental loss and corruption.  To ensure that all administrative personnel, (who are often responsible for this level of security), are up to date with the latest policies and procedures regarding safe storage of patients medical records they will have likely received thorough and in-depth training by a professional company such as https://www.tidaltraining.co.uk/health-and-social-care-courses/safe-handling-medication-training.  This bespoke style of Medication administration course will provide any candidate with all the information they need to fulfil their important job role confidently.

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In-line with Data Protection, you will be taught to store, transfer, protect and dispose of confidential, patient, medical records safely. You will also learn that you should keep basic administrative information, such as patients’ names and addresses, separately from more sensitive and private information. These more confidential records could include, test results, X-Rays, photographic images, operating and anaesthesia notes and consent forms.

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Just imagine the chaos and possible catastrophic consequences of patients’ medical files being mixed up, lost or stolen!  Doctors and nurses not being able to quickly access a patient’s medical information could result in a misdiagnosis, wrong administration of medication or even the loss of a patient’s life!