Mathematics for preschoolers aged 5-6 years and some assignments


Mathematics for preschoolers- children aged 5-6 years begin to actively learn and master the world around them. They become pochemachkami, they try to disassemble everything “by cogs”, in order to understand how it is arranged, they try to establish cause-effect relations between events. So at this age, and even earlier – from the age of 4, you can begin to teach the child the basics of mathematical knowledge. Since the leading activity of older preschoolers is still a game, its elements should be used in teaching.

How to start mathematics for preschoolers? mathematics

It is absolutely not necessary, as it was done by Malvinas’, immediately put the children at the table and teach them to write numbers, add apples, etc. It is better simply to talk with the child, pay attention to the properties of various objects, compare them among themselves: a watermelon is heavier than an apple, a cat is less than a dad. Then, slowly, start to mention the prime numbers: bring me three plates, in the vase, there are two more sweets. Read more: Different ways to introduce children to mathematics at home2018/05/05

Simultaneously with numbers on the same principle, it is necessary to introduce children to the basic concepts of geometry – to show and tell what it means to be round, triangular, long and short. For children 5-6 years old it will not be very difficult to understand these concepts, especially if the parents back up these, in general, abstract terms with practical everyday examples: this house is higher, and the lower one, the road to grandmother is longer than the way to children’s garden.

How to conduct almost school lessons in mathematicsmathematics

After the preschooler has mastered these basic concepts, one can pass to the “gates of mathematics” – the assimilation of the concepts ” number ” and ” figure “, which is the greatest difficulty for children at the age of 5 years. Read more: Using School to Jump-Start your Career in Cosmetology

The main principle of conducting a mathematical lesson for children of 5-6 years is visualization, i.e. The explanation of each concept or term should be accompanied by specific examples and the performance of a “homework”. Of course, assignments for children should be chosen in accordance with their age – interesting, more like a game.

To parents of future schoolchildren did not have to invent a bicycle and invent mathematical examples simultaneously and entertaining and educating, teachers together with psychologists developed programs for the preparation of children for school, which include many methods of playing the children’s instruction in the basics of mathematical knowledge. These programs also use thematic coloring, cards with numbers, educational cartoons, various logical puzzles, funny arithmetic exercises, math exercises and many other tasks.

Math Coloring

Mathematical coloring.  PumpkinColoring-manuals for maths are very effective for teaching preschool children to numbers. In the process of coloring, the child will remember how the figure looks, and how it is called and will understand its “numerical content”. In addition to drawing numbers, such coloring can also contain elements of geometry – from circles, squares, triangles, the child can add various ornaments and paint them in different colors. Moreover, there are colorings that can teach a child an ordinal account – these are the colorings from the series “Draw by numbers”, in which, by drawing a broken line from figure to figure, the kid himself can draw a rather complex picture. Coloring can also contain various exercises. An example of such a task is that in a large circle a figure is represented, the child needs to draw and paint in it such a number of small circles,

Numeric Cardsmathematics

Classes with digital cards will help in a short time to introduce the children to all the necessary mathematical concepts. Cards with numbers and funny pictures can be used as a domino, you can look for similarities and differences in them, you can make different examples of them. Of course, the main role in such lessons, at least initially belongs to the parents – they must come up with tasks and teach the child how to “play” in the cards.

Logical problems and didactic games

Examples of logical problems can be found at every step, for example, all folk puzzles are, in essence, tasks for the development of logical thinking. A classic example of a fun logic problem in mathematics – “What is heavier: one kilogram of down or one kilogram of iron?”. As for didactic games, then let the word “didactic” parents not scare – these are just learning games, such as how to calculate how many yellow triangles are in the room. In this game you can play with the baby even, for example, sitting in line to the doctor or returning from the kindergarten.

Mathematical recipe

The mathematical recipe your mother does not have the opportunity to buy ready-made prescriptions in the store, you can make them yourself. It’s easy – on paper, the dotted line draws the contours of any figure or figure, which the kid will then have to circle. Such activities are highly recommended in all school preparation programs, starting from the age of 5. When working with any formulations, the skills of accurate writing are developed, care and diligence develop.

What a child should know

Mathematics is a rather complex science, and from the very beginning of schooling a child does not have difficulties in studying it, he needs to have basic mathematical skills. So what should a future student know and be able to do?

Tips for parentsmathematics

Despite the seriousness of the above recommendations, there is no difficulty in them. Any mother or father can teach his child the main elements of mathematical science. The main thing is to observe several rules, so as not to turn gay pursuits into a dreary duty.

  • Do not force – at the age of 5-6 years, the child can focus on one task for no more than 30-40 minutes.
  • Do not hurry to prompt.
  • Use tasks of different types.
  • Praise is probably the most important thing.

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