How to study focus: Tips and tricks

How to study

Focus for studying is not easy: when we put on the books, in view of an examination, a query or a task in the upcoming class, it is not always easy to maintain a high level of attention. Sometimes just a nothing to distract us and compromise the entire study session.

How to do, where our concentration becomes an issue for the success of our school or university test? In addition to the advice and the effective techniques dictated by a good method of study, there are mistakes that are worth limit and the impediment that contribute to a good level of concentration.

How to study
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Advice on how to focus to study

The real problem is not finding the concentration but keep it in the course of our study session. If during the study experience a drop in concentration, try to take a break. Do not go overboard with the times, but during the period of rest, try to completely empty your mind. The concentration required order: before you start to study, make sure that your environment is welcoming. During the study, perhaps in a foreign language, do not think of the examination or the task you will face and even more to the possible outcome: this will increase the level of anxiety, making it difficult to focus. Set yourself goals and try to reach them in time established.

Focus to study: The best techniques

As with other muscles in our body, our mind also requires constant training in time. Often focus for studying can become a real problem but following the right techniques you can, with patience and perseverance, achieve excellent results.

  1. Dot technique: Before joining in the study, try to draw on the wall in front of you a small dot. Begin to fix it for about 70 seconds and breathe evenly and deeply: during this short span of time, try not to think about anything but what you see and your own breath.
  2. Heart Technique: Lean back, close your eyes and relax without thinking about anything for a minute. Focus on your heart beat trying to view the heart as it pumps blood throughout the body, until you feel a sensation of heat. Continue for a few minutes, then slowly started to open my eyes up to reactivate muscles and get up.
  3. Reading technique concentrated: The concentration while studying is likely to fade while reading. The third technique is to read a paragraph and then summarized in a few words. This exercise will require a high level of concentration and help you keep the trained mind throughout the study session.
You may also like to read another article on WeiWeiCS: Tips on how to study quickly and well

The most common mistakes that prevent you from concentrating on studies

Focus to study not only provides for the adoption of techniques, tips and tricks as well as tips on how to avoid common mistakes. What are the things not to do in order to avoid dangerous distractions?

  1. Farewell to cell phones, computers and tablets: During the hours dedicated to the study, seek to eliminate all forms of distraction linked to electronic devices. In particular, try to disable the Internet connection of your computer, tablet or mobile phone, or turn off the ringer taking away devices from books.
  2. Radio and TV: If for some music can help you study better, for others it is a distraction like the TV. Music can evoke moments already lived bringing to shift our attention elsewhere, away from what we are studying.
  3. Avoid fatty or overly processed foods: Including nutrition plays an important role in concentration. Better to avoid big binge before putting on the books, but prefer healthy foods that provide more energy to the brain.
  4. Avoid a negative attitude: Anxiety, pessimism, panic are the main enemies of the concentration. Take a positive attitude and smile while you are dedicated to the study and repetition.
  5. Avoid crowded or noisy places: Too many people around or a particularly noisy environment is not a help to those who want to concentrate on studying. The earplugs may be a valuable aid to avoid distractions dictated by the noise, but if at home you have difficulty finding the right concentration, better to take refuge in more secluded and quiet places like a library.