How to try to detect a case of Anorexia Nervosa in the classroom?

Anorexia Nervosa

At first glance, it may seem that it is almost impossible to detect a condition that has to do with food in a place where little girls and boys are fed; however, there are a number of archetypal behaviors that should warn us.

These indications are simple guidelines that can put us on alert to “rare” phenomena that we observe in our pupils or students; in any case, the work of diagnosis and therapy is a professional clinical psychology.

Anorexia Nervosa
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1. Profile

The profile of girls and boys (minority and specific cases) is u n perfectionist, stiff and with a very demanding and high performance profile in general studies. They are bred and Perfectionists n authoritarian environments (though not always conservative), too demanding, hypercritical and, likewise, very disciplined and rigid. The social and economic status is usually medium and medium-high.

2. Why? Is it a matter of thinness?

It is very difficult to guess the causes of anorexia or bulimia, but in many cases have nothing to do directly with thinness: thinness, however, the goal is a way to control a complicated environment and very demanding for her or for. him and to which you can direct your attention without compromising apparently other areas of your life is an escape at such autosuggestion of perfection and as low self – esteem: placing perfection in something that can easily have control, such as eating.

3. In the classroom

– Reduction significant weight in a short time

– Girls aged 8 to 12 years: reducing the rate of growth expected

– Negative attitudes towards food, such as skipping meals, be tense, complain about a lot of food in the school canteen which is assailable and ideal for other partners or adoption of random dietary habits are not motivated by diseases, intolerances or ethical reasons clear.

– Rituals Guidelines with food, as crumble into pieces, hide or take a long time to eat.

– Auto depictive Reviews in her circle of friends, which bind to negative comments about their academic performance with faculty.

– In the case of bulimia no notable variations of weight and even there may be overweight. Not to be confused with the purgative bulimia nervosa.

– Haggard Ethnicity, paleness, dental problems, eye bags and lack of vitality

– Sleepiness and lack of concentration 

It is interesting to know the symbolism: some girl’s pro-ana (anorexia nervosa) have bead bracelets color red and red ribbons on wrists; girls pro-mine (bulimia nervosa), choose the color purple. Metaphors refer to as “glass prices as”, “porcelain princesses” …

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4. What to do?

  1. NEVER addressed the issue in front of comrades, but alone.
  1. We should not congratulate the girls they lose weight(except in cases of very obvious and important achievements for your health achieved through balanced diets or, in any case, medical treatment) or punish their physical appearance with derogatory comments towards your weight or body fat percentage.
  1. If we are serious suspicions that the behaviors of a student or student fit into a possible disorder anorexia nervosa, we contrast impressions with our colleagues to give class to the same person. In that case, the tutor, guardian or teacher who has very good affinity with that student should meet privately with her at the counselor / to the center.
  1. At the meeting we will discuss the saddest, isolated, we are sincerely concerned / I for her … If she confirms that he has a problem, try to convince me to tell his family: it is difficult to have success. We can offer to tell her we / os same / os family; to one against their will, we will have to talk to his family and persuade them of the seriousness of the problem and the need for urgent therapy.
  1. From the therapeutic point of view, nothing to do, except accommodate the student or student with love and empathy; what does daemons take into account it is that in some cases require greater academic flexibility and that such flexibility is not a “privilege”, but an objective necessity. Visit for more tips.