Learning to Study Better Results


The key to performing well an examination is to have a good study methodology, as we will see below.

The Best Survey Methodology

If the school or college is giving some problems when paying final exams, do not be discouraged. Lower grades and qualifications is not a sign of low intelligence, but a lack of understanding of the issues, or a failure of technique studies.

And for study must also enable us, i.e. we must learn to learn. And here we have one basic guide to learn how to study a simple technique that you can apply throughout the year, and so are not the final movie monster.

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Go to school, the first step in learning to study

It may sound obvious, but attendance is inescapable in a good education. Go to school is not only responsible, but is most suitable. In the classroom the teacher explains the issues in a much more organic and natural than books do so. In classes are examples, gestural communication, and even material support.

Go to class allows you to ask questions. In this way, you will know the topic with a good explanation, and if you meet any questions, you can solve it right there.

In the classroom you can take themselves, and share notes with your classmates, also knowing their concerns. Finally, go to class every day puts you in the “good list” of teachers, and you can meet their own relevant topics that might be of interest for exams even could cite the examples given in class by the teacher themselves. What a way to denote learning!

Study from day

Upon returning home, do your homework, chores or activities, and before the end of the day, takes a quick refresher on what they learned. Although this is a simple reading of the notes taken in class: this allows you to renew the memory of what happened in class that day.

To study better seen reading and content issues daily. This makes it much easier to remember, incorporate, and it could help minimize the time required for formal study when you must take a test. Spend 30 to 60 minutes reading and reviewing content, and will be incorporating enough to go slowly.

Learning to learn: Take your time

When you must sit to study, say, approaching a test, do it by day, daylight, and in good time. Do not let the studio for one or two days before the test: better, spend about 30 to 60 minutes a day for several days before, to go slowly incorporating topics.

If time is shortened and you sit and study in a few days, do not devote more than two hours at this, because you would lose focus and integration of concepts. Make notes and diagrams that will facilitate the understanding of the content, as well as posters and charts, and place them on the walls of your room or your study room to review when you prefer.

If you are creating graphics along day of classes, you will see that incorporate issues more quickly, minimizing stress when studying for an exam.

Learning to learn: The hours before the test

The day before taking the exam, neglects the studies after 21pm. Light dinner and go to bed early. If you meditate, do it before bed, to have a good night sleep and wake up more rested. Staying studying at night only make you’re tired the next morning and this, although you have studied the concepts, will prevent you from thinking clearly during the test.

Upon arising, rinse and breakfast with fruit, to energize the body and mind alike. As you sit on the bench, breathe deeply, and devote yourself only to think of the exam you have in front of you, without thinking “if I had studied more” or where you left the car, or if you remembered to keep your bike in the garage before get out.

If you follow each of these steps, you can learn to study and perform better on tests.