Quick read: The most effective storage techniques

Quick read

Learn to read quickly and learn at the same time, what our eyes can implement in a short time, it is not for everyone. Knowing how to work together eyes and brain, so as to double – if not triple – the reading speed, it must go hand in hand with the understanding of the text analyzed. With little preface to go forward that today and us into a fascinating field, that of speed-reading and memorization techniques, topic became the subject of studies since the beginning of 1900 is treated with the greatest interest.

Students or simply keen on reading, dream of being able to learn to read and understand in a short time but effectively an entire book or text. To this end, they represent a good starting point to speed reading techniques that will explain below, simple to learn provided you comply with one important requirement: the consistent exercise.

Quick read
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How to learn fast reading: 5 Steps to follow

The techniques of speed-reading and memory are many, but all aim to achieve the same goal: to be able to read a text as quickly as possible without affecting the understanding of the same. At this level, you get after a massive exercise. Before starting with the techniques of real quick read, here’s two key measures: use a natural light or, failing this, a halogen lamp placed behind us and use a lectern.

If for many the quick read may seem counterproductive, the exact opposite is true because, read too slowly leads our mind to be faster than us and so to get distracted more easily.

  1. The first step for learning speed-reading is to relax the eyes. To do this you must first make (and then every time that comes fatigue) three simple exercises: yawn, beat rhythmically eyelids and massage your eyes gently.
  2. Expand the field of view so that you can capture the largest number of words. To do this, use the “roar of words”: draws a roar on heavy paper, cut it out by removing its interior and supports the sheet on the text in order to read each line of the rhombus always keeping our eyes fixed on the center.
  3. Adopt a pointer to be used for fast reading. It can be simply a pen that you can move forward on more page before the eyes have completed the reading of the preceding words. This way will be the last to follow the trend of the pointer. The speed will be calibrated with the passage of time.
  4. Do not focus on the single word but read blocks of 3-4 words at a time. This technique will allow the constant exercise to read whole sentences, thus increasing the speed of reading.
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Fast reading: Errors to avoid

Anyone who comes to the technical quick read should avoid three common mistakes that could jeopardize all the exercises carried out so far:

  1. Reading in a low voice: This practice slows down the reading. To prevent this bad habit you just chew gum and read faster by letting the eye to absorb the words.
  2. Particular word for word: Other error that leads to a slowing down in the reading. Thus passes from the display of single word to the reading of a sentence to greatly multiply your speed.
  3. Return back: Symptom of insecurity is also the error that most of the other nullifies the work done so far as it breaks the rhythm of reading and the ability to understand the overall meaning of the text. Never looking back, then!

Speed reading exercises

In order to promote the fast reading is required the constant exercise. Technology enthusiasts will find useful apps to download on your smartphone or tablet. Alternatively, here are some useful exercises to increase your reading speed you can do every day at home.

  1. To keep the right rhythm, using a metronome.
  2. Seated, move your eyes quickly from one side of the room.
  3. In order to expand your field of vision, even while you take a walk focuses on a fixed point in front of your eyes trying to perceive everything around you.