Gifts for Teacher’s Day: 10 original ideas

Teacher's Day

Teacher’s Day is a wonderful occasion to express your recognition and respect to the teacher. Teacher’s Day is a professional holiday of workers in the sphere of education, which is celebrated in Russia on October 5. This is an excellent occasion to please your teachers: give flowers and provide care and attention. If suddenly you remembered about this holiday only now or have not yet decided on the choice of a gift, especially for you portal prepared a selection of gift ideas for your favorite teacher.

Teacher’s Day: FlowersTeacher's Day

The most universal gift is flowers. Now they have presented a great variety for every taste and purse. If a bouquet is given from a class, it’s best that it is in the basket. Read more: Professions of the future – reality on the verge of fiction

If you want your gift to please the teacher as long as possible, you can present potted flowers. If you want something unusual, then make or order a bouquet of chocolates, fruits or balloons. The teacher will be surprised, and the present will not be left without attention.

A similar bouquet can be decorated with the use of small beautiful tea packs, collecting them in the original composition and adding with live flowers or made of paper, fabric.

The best gift is the book

An interesting and informative book will be a wonderful gift for the teacher. Of course, in a more favorable position are the publications in the gift design. If you think that giving a book is a move on, then you are very mistaken. According to statistics, pre-holiday trade increases the demand for books in half. Read more: 7 Techniques For Learning To Handle Interrogation Anxiety

It’s important not to make a mistake with a choice. You can give a book by profession. If you are well acquainted with the hobbies of the gifted, you will find the literature for a hobby. But still a win-win option is a classic, it is appropriate for a gift at any age and for any gender.

CertificatesTeacher's Day

To accurately not miscalculate with a choice, you can purchase a certificate in a bookstore or stationery store. Also, any woman will be pleased with the certificate in the store of cosmetics, utensils, household appliances, spa-salon.


Since the profession of the teacher is tightly connected with the office, an excellent gift for the teacher can be something from the office. The choice can be made in favor of a beautiful dairy in the leather cover or organizer, handles with engraving.


Tickets to the theater or cinema will be an excellent opportunity for the teacher to relax after a day’s work. Remember that you should buy two tickets so that the gifted person can go to another performance or premiere of the film in a pleasant company. Just do not choose a specific prime type of horror or fantasy film, as not everyone will like it. It is better to choose a comedy.

Business giftsTeacher's Day

Teachers have to work with a lot of information that needs to be stored. A USB flash drive, tablet or storage device is used for any teacher. What exactly to choose from this list and with what volume, depends on your wallet.


Of course, it is unlikely that you will get such a gift for the day, but perhaps this idea will come in handy to you next year. To prepare it enough for each of the students to say a few phrases. Then all this is collected in a single movie and overlaid with a few inscriptions and music. To make such a congratulation is simple, but the memory will remain for life.

Photo sessionTeacher's Day

Photo session for a gift will surely be remembered by a teacher. The certificate is best given with an open date. The teacher does not have to adjust to the photographer. He can contact him himself when he is free.

Wall Clock

The work of the teacher should be associated with punctuality, so the watch can be presented as a gift, which says that the teacher always remembers the time. Try to find a watch with an interesting design.

Table lamp

Teachers, like schoolchildren, have their own homework, which involves preparing for the lesson, as well as checking the homework of their students. Therefore, for the desk lamp, the teacher will definitely thank you.

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