The Eisenhower matrix to be more productive


Productivity in the study, as well as in the work, can be reached segue on the principles of the Eisenhower matrix! Here’s how it works.

To keep up with the pace of our university we have to do a lot of activities: study, set the curriculum, take lessons, contact the secretariat and prof etc … The Eisenhower matrix is a good tool in these cases. The name comes from the famous American president, one of the most active and productive men of history.

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The matrix is based on two variables: importance and priority. A task is all the more important the more important to complete it to achieve great goals. The urgency is the need to do something immediately. From their intersection originating the four quadrants in the picture, corresponding to four possible actions.

Quadrant 1: Important and urgent

You have to do now a fundamental task. Eg. You must register online by midnight today to a exam session from 11 CFU. You cannot postpone and examination is one of the toughest of your course.

Quadrant 2: Important but not urgent

Your job is important but it can be programmed at a later time. Eg. You have to fetch the books to study for an examination of the second half, but you’re still at the beginning of the academic year.

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Quadrant 3: Urgent but not important

The deadline is imminent but the task is less important than others. Eg. You must respond to an email from a friend who asks you the notes of the lesson. Before the answer, the better, but it is not a matter of life or death.

Quadrant 4: Neither urgent nor important

This activity is almost useless. Probably without the use of the Eisenhower matrix would he have taken the time, wasting it.

With the Eisenhower matrix, you can make more sensible and informed decisions around which to organize your life as a student. In addition, it will be very useful to plan activities every day, even outside the academic world. More onĀ