The importance of learning to play a musical instrument

play a musical instrument

Learning to play a musical instrument changes the brain anatomy and benefits memory, behavior and language skills.

Music is the art of combining sounds, respecting the harmony and rhythm. This organization and its implementation require a complex mental exercise, but very enriching for the body and spirit of each individual. The music students constantly practice to improve their technique and interpretation. If you aspire to become professional, this practice involves them many daily hours of dedication.

play a musical instrument
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Do you want to study music?

Touch a musical instrument requires specific skills to master the technique. Some people find it easier to practice music than others, fueling the question that haunts the minds of men from years does the musical ability is an innate quality or product of an intensive practice.

There is little evidence to support that the subject is determined from birth with musical skills, but certain requirements to run solidly an instrument, they are necessary: practice and dedication, theoretical knowledge and, finally, the aesthetic taste.

Dr. Lutz Jäncke German professor and specialist in Neuropsychology, has conducted numerous studies on the effects of musical practice in the brain. Among its findings, he says that music has a great influence on brain plasticity and for this reason may serve to improve cognitive performance.

Some of the benefits of learning music

  • Learn to recognize musical notes and through its sound strengthens the senses and the brain adaptability to the environment.
  • It has been shown that musicians often have a larger cerebral cortex and increased white matter of the brain that acts as a transmitter and coordinator between the different parts, which facilitates and speeds up connections.
  • Studying music helps address problems of abstraction. Understanding the duration of each musical note involves activating parts of the brain that are used in solving a mathematical problem.
  • The musician, putting theoretical and practical knowledge to work simultaneously, exercise the brain in a unique way, increasing their information processing and responsiveness.
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Music as a way of knowing the world

All human beings observe and understand the world from different perspectives and forms. This, according to Howard Gardner, corresponds to the theory of multiple intelligences. This theory holds that there are several types of intelligences and those individuals differ in the ways that use certain types or other. These intelligences appellants can be combined to either perform a task or solve a problem.

Among the different types of intelligence that raises Gardner, there is a so-called musical intelligence is the ability to understand, process and express the world in musical forms.

From this, in the process of teaching it is recommended to take into account that all students are different and have different types of intelligences. It aims to develop different learning strategies to expand the possibilities that each student has come to the knowledge.

In this context, the musical learning should be understood not as a mere hobby, but as a way to exercise the brain, improve skills and to find disruptive solutions to problems that occur in reality. Visit for more tips.