The 18 types of education: classification and characteristics

types of education

Types of education- Education is a process by which the learning of knowledge, skills, values ​​or attitudes is facilitated. Education occurs in different contexts, can be presented in different formats. Or forms and can vary in content, but the objective is always the same.

Types of education

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In this article you will find different types of education. However, it is necessary to emphasize that, although education is a universal concept. Regulated education may vary from one country to another. The different types of education are the following.

According to the context

Depending on the context in which the education is imparted. It can be: formal, non-formal and informal.

Formal education (regulated)

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Formal education is regulated education. It is taught in educational centers and has three characteristics: it is regulated. It is intentional and it is planned. What does this mean? Formal education is regulated by law. There is an intention behind the educational act, which is to train people professionally. And it is planned because it follows an order that we will see later. After passing the different stages certificates or diplomas are delivered.

Non-formal education

It is a type of education that is intentional and organized. But that is outside the formal scope, so there is no law and is not regulated by the governmental sphere. It can be recognized by means of certificates, but they have no professional value.

Informal education

types of education: classification and characteristics

Informal education is given without any intention, and occurs throughout life. It happens in the social sphere. For example, when parents educate their child in values. It is the one that has had greater importance in historical terms. Since the formal one does relatively little that exists.

According to age and educational level (formal education)

Formal education follows a series of stages that must be progressively overcome . Education in Spain is regulated by the LOMCE (Organic Law for the Improvement of Educational Quality). And is compulsory until the age of 16. Primary Education (PE) and Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) constitute Spanish basic education.

Early childhood education

Children’s education is not compulsory and goes from 0-6 years. It is also known as preschool and occurs when children go to daycare or kindergarten. It also receives the name of P3, P4, P5. It has a great importance. since it involves the contact of many children with the education system.

Primary education

The next stage is primary education, which ranges from 6 to 12 years . It is mandatory and, therefore, free, except for books and school supplies.

Secondary education

This stage goes from 12 to 16 years and is mandatory. It consists of 4 courses, and it advances in learning mathematics, languages ​​and general culture. At the same time, it allows access to more developed types of learning.

Higher secondary education

It is also known as post-compulsory secondary education. And includes the baccalaureate and intermediate vocational training. It has a more oriented approach to trades and practical and specific knowledge.

Higher education

This stage represents higher education and university studies.

Post-university education

This stage includes the training that takes place after the university. And includes postgraduate, masters and doctorates. It is considered that in it specialization learning’s are made.

Online education (distance learning)

Online or online education has gained ground in recent years. Because it is a convenient alternative for those who do not have much time. Or live far from the place where classes are taught.

Face-to-face education

Face-to-face education is taught in classrooms and attendance is usually mandatory. This is the classic format of education.

Blended education

Blended education combines the two types of previous education. Therefore, in addition to face-to-face classes, it is also necessary to carry out online activities.

Physical education

Physical education is a type of education that focuses on educating people on how, when. And why it is necessary to do physical activity. It usually combines both theoretical aspects (anatomy, sports per ionization, etc.) with physical and sports practice.

Emotional education

This type of education is related to emotional intelligence. Emotional learning is intimately related to occupational health and productivity improvement. Some aspects of emotional education include. Emotional self-knowledge, regulation and emotional control and know how to recognize the emotions of others.

Education in values

Education in values ​​is not only necessary for coexistence with other people. But values ​​have a decisive influence on how we interpret events. And, consequently, with our emotional health. Education in values ​​includes moral education.

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Intellectual education

Intellectual education aims for students to improve their cognitive skills, memory, reasoning and critical opinion. Regulated education is based on this types of education.

Social education

In addition to being an increasingly recognized profession, social education is a type of education that promotes the development of sociability. And social circulation and cultural and social promotion.

Special education

Special education is that for people with special educational needs. for example, due to intellectual edginess or mental, physical or sensory disabilities.


Zimiya Taylor

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