When it is necessary to be defined with a choice of high school and a specialty?


When is it necessary to be defined with a choice of high school and a specialty? The new academic year has recently begun, the first quarter has not yet come to an end, and we are already working closely with the entrants of the next year. I am glad that some 11-graders clearly know where they will be coming next summer. Someone approaches the choice of the institution in detail, studies all the data, ratings, makes an overview of opinions. If it is a question of a foreign university, a lot of time may be needed. There are parents who for several years make a decision about the institution for their child and are carefully trained in all areas: language training, adaptation in the country, in-depth study of certain subjects. Read more: 5 More Great Ideas for Using Interactive Whiteboards at School

But life is unpredictable, circumstances can change, and it is not always possible to plan everything in advance. Someone prefers to navigate the situation and decide at the last minute, that is, in the last school year. In any case, the moment of taking one of the most important decisions in the life of a graduate is already closed. The first autumn cold has come, and our advice: do not waste time. specialty

What is important to determine at the current stage? The country of instruction, the language, the university itself and, ideally, the specialty. If we are talking about Polish universities, where the situation is known to us in the smallest details, it’s time to take a decision on these important positions. And first of all, we tell our entrants about the choice of the language of instruction. There is still almost a year to prepare the best way for your future studies, leaning on studying the language. Read more: 3 Basic Life Skills Every Child Should Learn Before Five

If the Polish language is chosen, you can start working seriously in your own country – choose the appropriate Polish language program on language courses or do it individually, with the idea of getting the B2 level as a result. Most Polish universities offer summer language courses before admission. Do not neglect this wonderful opportunity to adjust the language and begin the process of adaptation. However, we all know that the higher the initial level of the language, the less time will be required for the courses: in stronger groups, the training will begin from the stage of advanced knowledge of the language. For an intensive breakthrough, one-week, weekly Polish language courses can be effective. specialty

Perhaps the decision is made to study in English. Congratulations, this is an excellent choice! English-language programs of Polish universities provide excellent training, and as a starting step to a European career, the English Baccalaureate in Poland is an unbeatable option. For students in English, the possibilities of programs with a double degree are open, in cooperation with the leading universities in Europe. But an important condition – fluency in the language, which will make the best use of all the advantages of English-language programs. Serious universities require a certificate of IELTS or TOEFL, and as you know, the process of passing such exams is not a quick thing. Specialists from the recruiting departments recommend not to rely on the case, but to register in advance for the exam so that it is possible to retake in case of not too successful results. Needless to say, training itself must be organized in the most effective manner. By the way, in recent years, the supply of programs with EU funding has increased, where you can study for free or with substantial discounts on training, and in some cases also qualify for a scholarship. Especially a lot of such programs with English language training.

We are determined with the specialty – let the information on the most popular specialties in Poland help you, as well as the most promising ones in terms of earnings. As soon as the choice is made, the entrant on the agenda has an enhanced study of core subjects. Future economists should be subordinated to mathematics, IT specialties will require efforts in physics and computer science, those wishing to obtain a medical specialty need to focus in biology and chemistry, applicants for architectural and art faculty programs will have to prepare for the exam in the drawing. When an entrant is finally determined with a specialty and a higher education institution, the specialists of the StudentPOL program can help to prepare a plan for preparing for training, taking into account the curricula of a particular faculty.

Finally, we have excellent news for early birds: the StudentPOL program gives the most determined and far-sighted a discount of 50 dollars for an extended package when concluding a contract before November 1 and additional bonus services.

It may like also: http://studywatches.com/2018/07/17/professions-of-the-future/

Zimiya Taylor

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