Counselor in education what is your role?

Counselor in education

For a long time the figure of the counselor in education has been associated with the academic evolution of the student. Which is why it is considered an essential figure in the academic world?

What is your mission? Advice and help in the decision-making process in the short, medium and long term. Not only related to the professional future and to the labor insertion but also to promote the welfare of the student.

What is an educational counselor?

What is an educational counselor?

In other words, the function of the counselor in education is to offer a technical, personal and systematic service to the students of an educational center (be it college or institute). His areas of work include:

  • Empowerment of qualities and aptitudes (in general).
  • Academic information.
  • Personal knowledge

A counselor in education helps students learn to know themselves, take advantage of their potential. And work on their limitations. Thus they become whole human beings.

By informing the student about what options they can take advantage of, based on their potential. A realistic plan of objectives is drawn. Therefore, it guarantees a satisfactory result in terms of personal development.


This figure is responsible for providing advice not only to the students, but also to the tutors and the family. Its objective is to raise the academic level through the improvement of interpersonal relationships.


So that the academic development of the student is concreted of the correct form; The counselor in education is a figure who works as a team.

Why? Because it collaborates with teachers and family when it comes to preventing and detecting problems in students. Their work is not limited to the student, often offers support and advice to family members in order to solve the difficulties.

Psycho pedagogical Counseling

The counselor in education provides psycho-pedagogical advice to parents, teachers and educational institutions in general. They even issue reports to the ministries of education so that they can evaluate the academic development of the student population.

It is considered that this figure must collaborate in everything related to the research, development, elaboration and implementation of adequate strategies to raise the quality of education.

Interaction and communication

Another function is to care for and promote links between the various parties involved in the lives of students.

Therefore, it encourages interaction and healthy coexistence between the different members of the educational community and promotes good communication.

Preventive action

The work of the counselor is a kind of preventive action that allows the detection of learning difficulties and to avoid school failure.

Benefits of taking advantage of the counselor’s advice

The counselor does not send or order and does not judge. Its function is to advise based on existing needs. And although it is the decision of the student  to follow their advice or not.

After all, your opinion has solid foundations that are based not only on your professional knowledge but also on your experience as a person. Remember that they were also students at the time.

Some of the benefits that come with taking advantage of the counselor’s advice in education are the following:

  • Critical evaluation of the situation.
  • Search for solutions and new tools.
  • Improvement of the strategies applied until then.
  • Improvement of communication between the student, family members and teachers.
  • Better academic performance of the student.
  • Overcoming the worries that generated stress.

The counselor in education always strives to act impartially. Reason why the results of their work are usually very satisfactory and always bring a positive contribution.

The counselor in education is characterized by being a figure with excellent handling of emotional intelligence and communication tools. He always worries about going beyond the current problem. And looking for a better future for the student.

The role of parents in school education

This is a team effort where each member has rights, duties and limits, says teacher Maria del Carmen de Brown, with reference to the participation of parents in the school education of their children.

On the same subject, the child psychologist since childhood the role of parents plays an extremely important role in the learning of children and this does not change in the school stage.


The teaching or preparation that parents give their children to enter and develop in the school field must start from day one of the birth of the child. By this I mean that the formation of values ​​and principles is the most important in all facets of education. He adds that ‘teachers intervene temporarily, so it is convenient to ally with them and not be their enemies’.

It is also the responsibility of the parents, adds the psychologist, to strengthen the self-esteem of their children. Offer affection, congratulate them on good results, support them when they do not get the desired results and often motivate them to improve themselves. With this they show interest for their children, despite the lack of time they have.

While Brown indicates that ‘if there is not an adult pending of the school duties of the minor the process of education-learning complicates’.

This is a team effort where each member has rights, duties and limits. Parents have the right to obtain information regarding the teacher, school and especially their children.  We give the bases and they must reinforce at home.

As the teacher explains, one of the mistakes frequently made by parents is to take a ‘rival attitude’ towards teachers because of some disagreement.

The best thing is to ally with the teacher. We must know how to expose our discontent without falling into challenges of authority. He adds that “there will always be disagreement if we take into account that parents regularly want their children to do very well. But the most important thing is to treat these differences in the best possible way.

The professionals agree that there must be a degree of independence in the child, ‘this degree of independence should increase as it grows.

Zimiya Taylor

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