E-Learning: Online learning also depends on the social platforms


Learning is changing and is a sea change because changing the physical spaces, training models and teaching fruition.

With the advent of e-learning platforms, content more relevant and useful for the study of the boys have become easier to find and immediately usable through dedicated platforms.

In a world where technology is rapidly changing, e-learning promotes the natural acquisition of mastery of new modes of communication through social platforms.

In this article, we will see 9 tools useful to optimize the online training, through the use of social networks, in courses administered by e-learning platforms (LMS).

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Recording and sharing audio files via iTalk

Bored with the lesson? Create a podcast (i.e. an audio file with the lesson)! iTalk is a tool that facilitates the recording, editing and dissemination of voice audio files. Imagine what can be useful to record the lesson with your smart phone, instead of being forced to take notes infinite!

We recommend iTalk because we tested personnel and we believe functions very well, but on the store iOS and Android there are several similar APP (free and paid).

Convision of photos and images via Instagram

Instagram would certainly know. I guess you do find it hard to imagine how an online learning tool, however, can help in this! Most students, in fact, use Instagram to share teaching materials through photos taken in books, notes or slides projected by the teacher. So why not use the optimal segmentation of Instagram, for example by creating a dedicated hashtag to share with your fellow notes!

Plan your study with Wunderlist

Wunderlist helps even the most smemorat students to organize the folders, deadlines, reminders, to-do and all you need to set up and organize the study with the greatest simplicity.

Google Docs: online documents with real-time collaboration

You probably know already. Google Docs allows you to make your documents accessible even to your friends / colleagues, who will be able to change, at the same time, the same file. Do not worry about the security of your data : you can manage the share permissions, track the history of changes and comments.

You may also like to read another article on WeiWeiCS: Why apps are practical tools in the classroom?

Take notes in an organized fashion with Evernote

Originally conceived as a database to not forget anything, Evernote is a very useful tool for writers who use it as a digital manuscript. So, whenever you feel inspired, you can jot down your idea availing of pop-up Evernote available on PC and smartphone. The “Reminder” capability, meanwhile, will help you keep track of deadlines and events.

Pocket, the app to save all your read-it-later

The “bookmarks” section of your browser is unknown for you! You have a list of links that stretches into infinity and beyond! Pocket is exactly the right tool for you! This APP ideal for quickly save content, discover and recommend stories that interest you.

Share your video with mini Vine

There is no better platform Vine for the publication of short videos with high involvement. The production of video is not the only intended functionality. Vine can also be used to provide the highlights of conferences, events and lectures. In long videos, in fact, often the key points are not perceived by users as a result of lack of attention, that on average no more than eight seconds. Vine dropped to compromise of six.

PS Unfortunately, Twitter has announced the closure in the coming months, the Vine. Do not worry; you will be notified in time to download all your content. In the meantime, we recommend Snapchat, which we will discuss shortly, as a viable alternative.

Trello, the virtual bulletin board to organize your projects

Trello is a tool widely used by big corporations and, given its characteristics; we believe it is of great benefit to students. And ‘the ideal platform to organize working groups, customize their projects, insert lists of things to do with texts, attachments, images and make them collaborative. The perfect tool to coordinate a team of people without losing sight of the deadlines.

Communicates with Snapchat

Snapchat an APP it is very popular among students. Allows real-time collaboration (also) during the lessons. If used by teachers in the classroom, it allows you to share images; video and text at the same time with the whole class contextually can interact and comment.


Of course, in addition to those mentioned, there are (many) other social platforms that help to improve the online training and, above all, to connect people.

In our opinion, the use of social e-learning, providing a valuable online training experience that also has the dual advantage of preparing students to the tasks and challenges of the modern working conditions. For this reason, we always advise our customers to encourage their use.

You have experience using social platforms in e-learning? Share with us in the comments!