How to improve the resilience of children

Early Education

Problems facing down… No we all face the same problems and traumatic situations. Our reactions depend on our resilience, the ability to prepossession them and face the day with optimism. Encourage your child a good resilience will be of great help in their adult lives.

Resilience is the ability of a body to return to its natural state after a problematic, difficult or traumatic situation; It is our ability to cope with this new reality, overcome it and be able to face a new day with optimism and enthusiasm, without letting it sink troubled us and not allow us to raise its head.

Early Education
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Do not you think that with this definition, resilience is a fundamental skill not only for adults but also for children who, in their way, facing complex situations every day? The good news is that resilience grows when you feed it, the better and faster you reposes problem, the greater your resilience; and conversely, if we sink at the first setback our resilience and ability to overcome it will be less and less until the situation becomes simpler block us.

How to train at home

Consider these tips to improve the resilience of your children.

  • Build a healthy and safe environment in your home where your children feel confident to say what you spend and where you see that “not everything is rosy,” but all kinds of feelings are accepted, enjoying the good and bad beating.
  • Set limits and rules in your everyday life. Children need to understand that “no” is also part of life and that not why you want less, quite the opposite. If you do not, when your child is an adult and you are that life says “no” to the things you want your frustration will be immense.
  • He remains at his side, listening without legislator and trying to satisfy not only their physical and economic -bed needs, shelter, food …- but above all, emotional. Ask every day how he has been in school, encourage him or her how to act if you have had a problem with a friend …
  • Problems your child may seem insignificant to you. Better compared to the problems that you face you every day, that he has broken a toy is no reason to make a drama, but it’s “toy” and your little one can feel deeply sad about it. If your feeling is with contempt for adults will cost express their feelings and withdrawn child will become.

Somatic Experiencing

This is a psycho-biological approach that works with the body and from the body to access the part of the nervous system, which is more readily accessible trauma. It teaches us to manage situations
difficult to learn from them, build resilience rather than seeing reduced our options and the situation becomes completely overwhelm.

In the case of children, you are offered tools to build resilience games, the best way for kids to learn.