The Educational Psychology, essential for today’s children

Educational Psychology

Educational psychology allows us to approach in a more conscious and appropriate to the smallest of the house, know their problems and help solve them.

The psychology studies the behavior of children in your learning environment and addresses various scientific fields, such as evolutionary, cognitive and learning psychology, pedagogy, sociology, teaching…

Possessing a broad knowledge in this area allows us to address the problems of the smallest of the house from a multidisciplinary perspective, unambiguous and while considering any of the many aspects that may be behind a conflict situation.

Educational Psychology
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Especially interesting is the role of the psychologist in children with special needs, who require advice and personalized attention and constant contact with the families and the environment.

Training upward

Increasingly professionals branch of education (teachers, professors …) and other areas of knowledge (psychologists, pediatricians …) who decide to extend their training in educational psychology in order to provide the best care to children with whom they work.

Some International University knows this and has created a master’s degree in educational psychology online that provides students with the necessary skills to succeed in the workplace of the educational and vocational guidance, attention to diversity and advice on the teaching and learning.

Thanks to the subjects studied number them with the strategies and better able to help and guide all students at different educational levels knowledge. Currently, school life is characterized by cultural and geographical diversity of the students and to present learning problems that must be addressed individually. Thanks to these studies you will respond to this challenge in a professional, responsible and effective manner.

You may also like to read another article on WeiWeiCS: Ten keys to the education of your children

These are some of the skills and abilities that will develop:

  • Ability to diagnose and assess the socio-educational needs of individuals, groups and organizations from different methodologies, tools and techniques.
  • Ability to advise and guide the professionals of education in the organization and implementation of classes.
  • Ability to design, implement and evaluate educational practices, programs and services tailored to the needs of each person or organization services individually.
  • You will master necessary to plan, organize and implement strategies educational psychology services.
  • You can formulate new proposals for improving psycho pedagogical intervention and can coordinate and lead full teams.