10 Keys and the education competencies next

education competencies next

How will, or should be, the Education in the XXI Century? Specialization joins interdisciplinary, digital literacy is essential, cooperative learning projects and join the autonomy and self-taught and creative character.

Digital literacy is not only reflected in the use digital competition: involves much more than that. It is a complete competition that reflects the communication skills, social, critical thinking, sorting and filtering information, ability to discuss, assertiveness and knowledge (and respect) the rights related to the digital world: security, privacy, protection data, copyright and copyleft or good practices.

education competencies next
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  • Projects

Project -based learning is, in itself, a key to preparing students facing academic and / or future job key: in a multitude of transverse project, cognitive and social skills are working.

  • Citizenship

Responsible citizenship covers all areas of life: digital and analog, of course. Also covers participation in decision forums, the ability of information, evaluation and judgment, building an autonomous opinion … maturity, the end of the day. School or high school can not be closed to the world space.

  • Autonomy

Although the collaborative trend is upward, as new jobs and emerging occupations demand it rightly, it is important also to inculcate a spirit of autonomy and dependence on others work, i own initiative and self-confidence, autonomy it is a great pillar for the self -esteem of the young people.

  • Collaboration

Projects can be done individually or in groups: in the case of collaborative work in the classroom, we will be taking the opportunity not only to learn, but also to provide important skills to our students. We must find the right point, according to the characteristics of each classroom, between group and individual work.

  • Interdisciplinary

Specialization, today, is very important, but a good general and interdisciplinary basis a “mix” of talent (yes, in a primary classroom there is talent) is a good basis to build a person who will in the future, a / a great specialist in something, besides being also flexible and formable, protecting themselves more to the uncertainty of a rapidly changing production system.

  • Creativity

Creativity is not only music and painting, as well: particularly important, especially for students who do not enjoy both art (each is which) is the creative troubleshooting and divergent reasoning, and skills innovation more “technical” they can start to develop little by little from Primary.

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  • Innovation

The ability to innovate is closely linked with creativity: it is impossible for a future engineer have innovative ideas if your creativity has not been worked since childhood. A teacher Children also need to have a broad competence for innovation. In secondary education, we can find enough time to promote this innovative competition in our students.

  • Autodidacts

Coupled with ongoing training is a passion for learning and the ability to learn independently and undirected, just like: always keep updating and without conforming, is vital.

  • Personalization

The course content should be personalized, within the possibilities that the subject, classroom and center settings offer … It is an almost impossible task today, but we can always let the students take charge in some cases.