10 obligatory rights and duties of school students to study

rights and duties of school students

A few days after the end of the course, many students will face the final exams, or the new entrance exams to the university (PAU), the former selectivity. For students who are in this situation, we have consulted the teaching experts of Master.D, who have written a decalogue of tips that will help them in the hard task.

10 rights and duties of school students

1.- Disconnect from the network. Turn off the I-phone, the Tablet, or the computer. Do not kid yourself, no hacker has stolen your exam questions to post them on Twitter. All you need are: the notes, a table and a chair in a bright and silent place. Everything else, if there is motivation, is dispensable. If you are one of those who do not find the motivation until the eve of the exam: try to sit in front of the notes every day at the same time, at least you will achieve that inspiration takes you ready. In addition, routine helps concentration.

2.- Make a first in-depth reading of the subject so that you know what you are facing.

3.- Divide the subject between the time available, including intermediate summaries if the subject is broad and a deep final review. When you do, be realistic, you know yourself better than anyone else. Write your planning in a calendar-calendar and paste it on a wall in front of your place of study.

4.-Do a second reading, underlining the main concepts and making sure you are understanding all the ideas that you should memorize. It helps to use colors in the underline.

5.- Make schemes, it will force you to analyze all the ideas of the text and what is more important to classify them and relate them to each other. It is advisable to make a general outline in a sheet and auxiliary sub-schemes to have a comprehensive view of the whole subject.

6.- Memorize: If you have not achieved it with the readings, with the underline and the outlines, make summaries, read them out loud, use mnemonic rules, transform the “items” that you have to memorize in images that relate to each other, write it all over and over again, repetition is the only way.

7.- Evaluate your knowledge, self-examine yourself. If you have them, do the exams from previous years on the same subject and see where you have failed and why. Then re-study what you have not learned well. If there were flaws in the study or compression that prevented memorization, correct them now.

8.- Do the final review, last in-depth reading of all the material if possible, if not, carefully read the schemas or summaries prepared.

9.- Eve of the exam. You are already prepared intellectually, prepare yourself psychologically and physically for the same: eat healthily and normally, relax, if you can, take a walk and sleep well.

10.- During the exam, first read carefully all the questions and start answering those that score higher. If they all score the same, start with the ones you know best, and leave a blank space at the end of each one in case you remember something new later. Check the writing, make sure there are no grammatical mistakes or style mistakes and remember: answer only what they ask you.

Zimiya Taylor

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