14 Healthy ways to relax after exams

Relax after exams

Finally finished exams, and now … you Do not know how to relax? Are you still last nerves of final exams? We leave 13 healthy tricks to relax.

1- Run, jump and have fun

As you get angry or you get scared, your body produces a hormone called cortisol, which can cause nerve or even the feeling of energy-panic. When you feel that way for a long time, you may also suffer headaches, stomach and trouble sleeping. You want to know how to fix it? We have good news, play help, running, sport in general help relieve stress.

2- Nice thoughts

Having in pleasant thoughts can help deal with stress. When you are calm, your heart slows down and reacts better if you go through something uncomfortable. Imagine a pleasant situation with a person you want in a relaxed place. Make a video of that moment in your head and when you get angry, I stop it and play it again.

Relax after exams
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3- Music

Listening to music can help let out stress, if you know how to play an instrument, do not hesitate to do so, it is better to stress than listening. If you do not know, you can always play the drum, a bin or anything that makes sound, but tries to keep pace with your life.

4- Take a deep breath

Meditation always helps to relax. No need to sit cross – legged to meditate, just breathe deep. Try for 10 minutes, imagine that your stomach is a balloon, and go slowly filling breathing, repeating a word or air happy while feeling loose.

5- Physical relaxation

Lie down somewhere and focus on all parts of the body from the toes to the head. Feel the heaviness you leave all your thoughts in that area. It is also useful tensing and relaxing your arms and legs continuously. This trick is great for getting to sleep.

6- Laughs more

Do you know anyone who does not like to laugh? Scientists have shown that laughter reduces stress and even helps prevent diseases. Try to laugh at all times and with anyone. With friends, TV shows, family … Humor is everywhere.

7- Talk to your friend or your pet

Speaking of the reasons that you produce nerves can make the problems seem smaller. You’d be surprised the number of people who may have gone something like what you’re going through now. If you do not want to talk or share these reasons with anyone you can talk to your pet, scientists have also shown that people who have pets live with less stress than the rest, cats and dogs are a perfect audience.

8- Sing a song

When we sing, we are taking a deep breath, plus fun with music. Just sing your song in the shower; the shower walls can make your voice sound better and stronger.

You may also like to read another article on WeiWeiCS: How to study focus: Tips and tricks

9- Smells nice

Aromas like lavender, rosemary and sandalwood not only smell good, you can also reduce stress hormones in your body. These scents can find them in lotions or bath products, dried rosemary in the field or in your pantry. One idea is to plant rosemary or lavender to also achieve a natural air freshener.

10- Yoga

Yoga is a fun and relaxing way to exercise. Test postures cat or the cow, which is to get on all fours and arch your back up and then down.

11- Exterior

It is shown that spending time outdoors is good for you and your emotions. Nature is the area that most helps relaxation, but also walk to school or take a walk around the city. Take the opportunity to collect pretty leaves, skip stones into a pond, rest or seek to form clouds.

12- Dance

Any sport helps relaxation, but dancing is a sport that doubles this relaxation, as we add the music factor. In your house, dance classes, in a park with friends … Every place is perfect for dancing.

13- Think positive

It helps a lot for stress take time to be alone. Find a quiet place, spend some time in silence and reflect on your day. Focus on what you went well, albeit very small, make a list of these things, look at her every day and add more.

14- The best way…

Let get a massage! To see if you can convince someone, or you can attend a center to give you a relaxing massage.

Which is your favorite?