5 Amazing Apps for Recent College Grads

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It’s a digital world and the job market is not immune to this change. If you have just graduated from a college like Rutgers Online, there is a good chance that you are pounding the digital pavement looking for jobs. Indeed, putting your degree to good use is critical. This is why it can help to have a number of applications on your smartphone or tablet that can not only make the hunt more efficient – it may even increase your chances of landing a position. The truth is that many jobs can be quite competitive, so you want to have an edge that can get your foot in the door before a line starts forming down the block. The best part about these apps is that they are free. Here are five amazing apps for recent college grads.


  1. Treatings

One of the most essential parts of job hunting is networking. The truth of the matter is that you need to meet people, which means inviting people in your field out to lunch coffee. In fact, you’ll be drinking so much coffee with potential bosses that you’ll be wired throughout your entire job search. This is why you want Treatings – a social networking app that will allow you the opportunity to connect with professionals in your network.


  1. Localeur

Another part of looking for a job is moving to a new city – a city where all the action is. If you want to be in fashion, you may want to think about moving to New York City. However, when you get to this new city, it can be difficult to know where all the locals hang out. How many times have you been in a new city and wondered where all the likeminded people are? With Localeur, you will be able to find all the best local spots in town.


  1. RadPad

On top of needing to network and in addition to finding all of the great local spots in town, you also want to find a good apartment. With RadPad, you’ll be able to look up local listings easily and reach out to local real estate brokers. The best part about RadPad is that it is easy to use and there are a ton of pictures, so there really is no second guessing.


  1. Splitwise

Once you do get a rad pad, you’ll probably need to find some roommates. Bringing on roommates can sometimes be a chore, because you need to figure out a way to split all of your bills. From the rent to the groceries to the heating and electric – and don’t forget the internet – you’ll need Splitwise, which will help split everything very easily. Splitwise is an essential app for those recent grads sharing an apartment.


  1. Good.Co

If you are having trouble figuring out what position you should get, or if you are having trouble connecting with employers, you may want to download Good.co, which is an app that helps you figure out what job is best for your personality. There are personality tests, but also tests to figure out what your interests are. In the end, you can think of Good.co as that best friend that knows everything about you and can steer you in the right direction – the last thing you want is to spend a few years running into dead ends with jobs you don’t find enjoyable.