5 Reasons to Attend Freshman Orientation

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There are so many things you need to do when you are preparing for your freshman year at college that it can be hard to prioritize all the tasks. Some people opt out of attending freshman orientation because they figure that they will learn it all in due time. Unfortunately, there’s a lot that these people miss out on and it can really make your first year a lot more difficult if you don’t prioritize this important event. Here are 5 reasons to attend freshman orientation.


  1. Find Your Bearings on Campus

One of the most stressful things about starting your first semester in college is not knowing where anything is. You may have to trek all the way across a large campus some days just to get from one class to the next and if you don’t know exactly where you’re going, you may find that a lot of the buildings look exactly alike. If you want to avoid embarrassing moments like disrupting your professor while you walk in late, then you should get your bearings during orientation.


  1. Make New Friends

Freshman orientation is a great time to make some friends before you start your first week of school. You’re going to be meeting a lot of people and taking in a lot of new information during that week, so any way to break it up into smaller doses can ease the overwhelming nature of those first few days.


  1. Learn the Rules

There are going to be a lot of different rules that you are going to need to learn when you jump into your first semester. There will be rules regarding behavior in the dorms, the cafeteria, attending school events, traveling from class to class, and so on. Not every college has the same rules, so if your sister went to University of New England and rode a bike on campus, it doesn’t necessarily mean you can do that at your school. So you want to be sure that you are aware of all the rules before you accidentally break any of them.


  1. Schedule Upcoming Events

One of the best things about being a college student is that there are all kinds of events that happen on campus all the time. From sports games, to major musical performances, to cultural fairs, there’s almost always something cool happening somewhere on campus. One of the best ways to get yourself acquainted with the school is to attend a few events your first week and get an idea of where you fit in.


  1. Get Involved

In addition to attending different events, you want to see if there are any clubs or organizations that might be fun for you. A lot of them offer college credit, and many of them can also help you build your resume. When you go to your freshman orientation you will find out about a lot of different fun organizations that you can get involved in so that you can start making new friends and finding your purpose as early as possible.