7 Techniques For Learning To Handle Interrogation Anxiety

Anxiety Study

Question anxiety: can not you shine during the queries because of too much anxiety? Here’s how to overcome panic with these simple tricks!

Pre-interrogation anxiety: How not to be afraid

Do you just need to hear the word “interrogation” to get into a panic? From the moment the professor or professor announces that he will begin to question you will only have anxiety, so that it prevents you from studying well and / or taking a good grade because when the teacher asks you a question you start stuttering, do you have the heart that beats a thousand and forget what you would like to say (a little ‘how it happens in front of the boy / girl you like)? Do not worry: you are not alone.

The anxiety is a common problem for many people, especially students, but fortunately with a little practice and the right tricks you can manage to tame it until it becomes exclusively positive anxiety (a right amount of adrenaline and tension, in fact, helps us to do well ). The problem is often related mainly to our personal safety and self-esteem, so working on this aspect is the key to solving the disorder. In any case, if you need some useful tips to get the question as quiet as possible, we have the solution for you: we asked the Great Schools experts to give us some advice on how to overcome the anxiety of questioning. Here’s what they told us!

Anxiety Study
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How to defeat interrogation anxiety: Tips for you

Beating anxiety is possible. As? Here are the tips to put into practice immediately before and during a question!

1) Try to understand what generates anxiety: Answering this question is often difficult, but to solve a problem it is necessary to go to its origin. Why do you have anxiety? Did not you study enough? Have you studied, but do you live in the perennial doubt that you do not know enough? Are you afraid of the idea of ​​a bad grade or you hate the thought of having to express yourself in front of the whole class because you are afraid of making a bad impression?

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2) Mark the probable or already asked questions during the queries: Unless you are the first to be questioned, follow the other questions and mark the questions. Also try to understand what are the topics most dear to the teacher and take a look also at the questions that are often found at the end of the chapters to be studied for the guided review. Mark all the questions and try to answer home after studying: this will help you to give you security.

3) Schedule the study: The last minute study marathon, if you are an anxious type, will only increase the feeling of stress and oppression. Make a roadmap divided by days, so that you will be sure to cover all the topics and have time for a general review before the question.

4) Go back before going to bed, but not right before the interrogation: It seems like going back to sleep helps you remember things. Give a quick read to the interrogation program the night before and then try not to think about the question until you have to deal with it. Spending the morning looking for confirmation about what you know and what you do not know can send you even more in a panic.

5) Attention to sleep and food: Fatigue and poor nutrition can make your condition worse. So do not overdo tea and coffee, prefer teas and chamomiles (in addition to drinking lots of water), but also choose foods rich in magnesium that are used to give you energy and stay more focused. Yes also to vegetables, white meat, pasta and chocolate (better if melting) which is a panacea for the mood.

6) Loads of positive energy: Before the query, try to eliminate any source of distraction that negatively affects you. The friend or the most anxious friend of you? Avoid close to an exam, as well as defeatists and pessimists. Mom or dad who press you to get a good grade? Forget for a moment. Choose instead to listen to a song that makes you feel good, happy and safe before you get to school and indulge in a delicious breakfast that makes you feel better.

7) Use the imagination to create the environment most suitable for you during the query: Unless you have studied, anxiety is usually a matter of insecurity and little self-esteem in yourself. For this reason, there are those who are afraid to face the teacher or be judged by the rest of the comrades. To remedy this problem, try to isolate yourself as much as possible from the outside world during the interrogation, remaining focused only on the questions. Imagine you are in your room where you are alone and where you repeat aloud an answer or imagine the teacher as a funny and funny being that you should not be afraid of. In short, anxiety and fear are all in your head, as are the ways to defeat them!