8 Tips to find the concentration at exam time

Concentration at exam time

Exam time! At this point, all we want is to have a magic wand to help us memorize everything, as if by magic, and quickly, but sorry guys that do not exist.

What if there are study skills and tricks that can help you be more efficient in your hours of study and help you find the concentration.

But, what is the concentration?

We could define concentration as an approach toward something specific short term. And you’re the only one who has control over yourself, to decide whether or not you can concentrate. Outsiders are not distracting you, it is your mind that decides that they deserve your concentration, instead of so boring book you have in front of your nose.

Concentration at exam time
Image Source: Google Image

Concentration is the intermediate step between intelligence and memory. Both would be impossible without the concentration.

But there is good news, concentration is a muscle and as such, you can exercise it. So to get it going…

1. Outside distractions

We have said that the concentration is something that you yourself can achieve, if you want, with your own head. Although I must say that this is true to some extent.

There are distractions and interruptions that are not the same and that is what makes us leave our concentration.

Interruptions are important things that attract our attention and make us stop something aside to pay particular attention these things. Distractions are everything else.

But this you can avoid it: Use earplugs noise, make yourself comfortable in a place that is optimal for the study, prevents devices (such as mobile, computer) to divert your attention….. Know yourself and act towards your concentration!

2. What is most important? Prioritizes

It seems a stupid point, but it is absolutely necessary. Before you get to study, analyze, what is most important? What is it that needs more attention and concentration? Make a list.

When you start an afternoon of study, at first you are fresher and have more capacity, so get organized to study in order of priority.

3. Focus on one thing and say goodbye to multitasking!

This is simple logic. When you have many things in mind and want to do all, begin leaving things halfway, you never end up. Go step by step, item by item. One ends before starting the next

4. Set interruptions, when planning an afternoon of study

The breaks are as important as the study. If you do not let aerate your mind, you will come a time that saturation will not let you move forward with matter. 15-20 minutes program yourself breaks halfway through the study. You’ll notice the change.

You may also like to read another article on WeiWeiCS: How to study better 7 guidelines to get the best grade

5. Work in blocks

It is the best way to feel you start and finish work. Program yourself, 2 hours of a matter, rest 15 minutes, 2 hours of other stuff, rest 15 minutes, 2 hours of other stuff … Your work has a beginning and an end, on the same day, but tomorrow has to continue studying.

6. Make your effort, a reward

We all know the game “Candy Crush”. A game consists of a circuit (which increasingly are becoming longer) through different screens and worlds.

By overcoming each screen, after spending some time and many attempts, we feel rewarded, because we can continue the way. Make your study path and studied each section, a phase that you have passed.

7. Help your brain with vitamins

It is clear that vitamin supplements are not going to give new or increased capabilities, but if you help compensate for wear that makes your brain during study hours.

A variety of vitamin complexes, they do not need a prescription, that can help you face a long day of study.

8. Rate yourself, at the beginning, middle and end of the road

It is true that we need a plan at the beginning of the way in which goals, targets and methods of production are fixed, but we must also do it halfway, to assess if you are following the methods and if they are giving you the desired result, to continue or modify the way. It is necessary, occasionally stop and observe.

I hope our advice will help serve and may be able to find the necessary concentration to face this tough time.