30 tips to improve study and results

improve study

Near the tests we care more than usual to squeeze performance and quickly achieve good results. The best formula is an ongoing study, so that the saturation and nerves that usually occur during exam time, you still will outline strategies and tips are always welcome to apply. Many of them probably already know them, others can clearly perceive as productive and some may seem like somewhat useless, but believe me you will all help to improve the study and originate higher performance with better results.

improve study
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Starting the Study

  1. Clean your room or study area. If you order your environment, you will also order your internal ideas and your cognitive schemata.
  2. Clear the study area susceptible to distraction objects, mainly mobile phone.
  3. Prepare all necessary materials during the study so there are no distractions of having to go looking for something you’ve forgotten.
  4. Shows good attitude. Your posture, your gestures, your way of studying … everything influences to pay more or less. If, for example, you have an attitude of reluctance will cost you more if you sit correctly, energetic and willing to learn, your performance will be more efficient and accomplish more in less time.
  5. Take the same habit every day. Used to always set the same time and place of study. If your body is used to a routine, you will perceive how necessary.
  6. Pontificate daily so that report as a convenient time for studying and one for your leisure and rest.
  7. Try to arrange to take the study a day. Do not give binges last minute, only serve to saturate and overwhelm you, will make you feel bad, you lose trust in you, energy will weaken earlier than expected and is likely to cause blank spaces in your mind that can get you to betray at the time of examination.
  8. Control study time to make the most. You can help a stopwatch; hourglass, etc. provided that do not involve a new distraction.
  9. Motivation first. Find something that motivates you to study, either satisfaction or reward when you hang up or own self to get what you propose.
  10. Paper and pen always in hand. If your hands are busy and are also active writing, you avoid being distracted staring at the ceiling or thinking of shrews. Besides the information come to you and doubly’ll force your brain to process it to write. Already have won part of the study.
  11. First reading and approach to the subject to study. Before you start studying as such, become familiar with the matter. Just re-read it for the mind to go by operating and go associating other ideas.
  12. If you are alone and not bother anyone, should do a reading on top of the key points to listen to the information as well read: double entry of information by sight and hearing, and ordering of ideas.
  13. Ask yourself small goals short term. Pretend not get everything at once. Better to go with small steps but firm and go feeling realized progressively that want to get too at the same time and not do it.

Tips for the Study

  1. Repeat, repeat and repeat. You can get it studied quickly stay in your short – term memory but if you want to keep it longer need to repeat, rereading and rewriting. Mainly we learn by repetition.
  2. Make your own notes. Detects main ideas, highlights, make annotations and develops schemes. From there related ideas, make your mind work and rewrites the lessons learned by yourself as a summary. When processing the information being produced learning. Do not think it’s a waste of time, on the contrary, have much advanced.
  3. If you have questions about something in particular make a note and later looking information, whether with help of dictionary or encyclopedia, with a partner or with the teacher.
  4. Use mnemonic strategies to memorize names difficult or more complex information. Associates it back to something you already know or that you find easy to remember, our cognitive ability acquire new learning by combining new ideas with others already known modifying and enriching our mental structure.
  5. If you get stuck, going on to something else. Do not waste your time thinking you have to learn that piece, forget it. You come back to it another time you’re more receptive to understand and retain that point.
  6. Take breaks. For example, every hour of study takes a ten – minute break. The mind gets tired and needs to be renewed. At fifty minutes about ongoing study, attention span and retention is often lost or is greatly deteriorated.
You may also like to read another article on WeiWeiCS: Study highlighting: The 6 best tips for passing an exam

After studying

  1. Make sure you know what you’ve studied. Tell yourself or someone studied the lesson or rewrites it without looking at notes. Should wait at least half a minute to check if you really know what you have studied, as short – term memory retains information for 20 or 30 seconds and what we want is to go to long – term memory to keep and remember it in the future
  2. Go over. When you return to resume the study, rereads what you saw the day before you leave to avoid diluting the information. If we do not remember what they have learned, over time it loses. Otherwise, it strengthened.
  3. Take a prize or whim for a job well done. It can be a motivation to continue the next time and you will feel better.
  4. Disconnect to end the study time and do everything that you had outstanding or just whatever you want. Study time over, not saturate your mind with it, and relax.

While you are doing the test

Although we have studied following effective steps, sometimes in the key exam it seems that everything disappears and costs us time evaluating face not let nerves betray you, therefore you consider these tips:

  1. Breathe. If you’ve ever done yoga sure you know effective methods for proper breathing and relaxation. Otherwise, you can use the method 6 + 6 + 12. Inspire 6 seconds, hold the air other 6 and finally exhales slowly for 12 seconds. Repeat at least five times. These breaths can also be used for other situations you need to calm down, such as to job interviews or difficult moments when anxiety attack you.
  2. Security in yourself. You have studied, you know, there is no reason to worry, if you feel safe nerves evaporate.
  3. Believe in yourself. Positivity, you can feel. If you really feel sure you will get it.
  4. Nothing last minute rehearsals. Only serve to confuse you and make you doubt what you know or not. Forget and study, that time has passed. Now is the time to show what you’ve got with your effort. When you stand before the sheet ejects the information they ask, you will be fine.
  5. While you are doing the test seeks not stop or distract yourself unless you really need (breathing, drinking water, to remember …). For two main reasons: you can lose track of information and lose valuable time that cannot be recovered.
  6. If doubts at some point goes to the next. If you lose a lot of time you can leave unanswered things you do know well.
  7. Last review. Try to get over a bit of time at the end to give a final review. We may have skipped some point, have mistaken information we do know, orthographic errors that hinder the understanding of the test, data we have targeted apart … If you take a good look and chasten silly mistakes can earn extra points.

I hope all these tips and tricks you have interesting looking, have them in mind and serve you to achieve good results.