9 tips to study better and get the best grades

Education Tips

If there was a fantastic unique method to study and assimilate all the information much faster rather than spend many hours, days or months studying enclosed sure everyone we would give anything to get hold of the secret. To our knowledge, so far no one has found anything like it. However, various scientific studies have found some factors that may affect our ability to learn. Obviously know can help considerably to study better and faster. In this article, you will see what these factors are and how to make the best of it to get the best grades.

Education Tips
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  1. Avoid binge one day… Instead, planning sessions shorter study for several days

Research shows that it is much more efficient conduct study sessions shorter, about 20-30 minutes, over several weeks, to study continued for hours in one day or a few days.

  1. Avoid studying at night and set specific hours of the day to study sessions

Scientific studies have shown that prolonged study sessions overnight adversely affect our reasoning and memory, and the effects can last up to 4 days! However, if we establish specific times throughout the day or week study in place, we are creating a learning routine and as the brain gets used to learn at that time, it will be increasingly easier to study.

  1. Set goals or targets for each session

Instead of studying at random, it is best to choose a particular topic and focus on it to understand it perfectly. How do we know when we are ready to move on to another topic? Very easy… Just try to explain to someone the subject easily. If we succeed, we can move on to the next topic; otherwise, it means that we have not yet understood or assimilated enough.

  1. Make schematic chips with the main information that we have studied

Rather than spend hours stressing books and rereading again and again notes, it is much more practical to schematic chips during the first reading. Subsequently, we can review them in the hours of study or at any other time of the day while we waited on the bus or in the doctor’s office, etc. Thus, we will slowly improving our understanding of each topic and it will be easier to identify the key concepts and relate them to each other. In addition, we also consult shortly before the test, as a final check. The post-it color is interesting to this.

  1. Study each topic as if we had to give a lecture about it

As part of a study, he was asked a group of students to study a topic. A half were told that after an examination should be performed, while the other half were told they would have to explain the issue to other students. The result was that the latter showed a greater understanding of the main points. As we prepare to teach, our brain organizes information differently, as part of a more logical and coherent structure.

  1. Practice, practice, practice … and practice again and again

The practice is everything. It is not enough just to study further must do exercises and related questionnaires. These exercises not only tested our brain situation, but once corrected, they will help us to identify potential errors and gaps in knowledge. If timed practice tests also help us to adapt to the times. In addition, studies have shown that the practice improves our confidence and, with it, our performance.

  1. Having a fixed place and adequate study

All studies indicate that it is best to have a fixed place of study in which we have at hand everything you might need, rather than changing places every day. As established schedules always study at the same site it helps our brain to create a study routine associated with that place, so that every time it will be easier to study it.

  1. Do not carry your mobile phone to the study site

It is increasingly common to see people studying with mobile beside her on the table. Do not do it! Messages and other notifications received on mobiles are one of the biggest distractions nowadays when studying or doing anything else. It is very important to keep the phone and put it in silence when we come to study; or better, leave it in another part of the house to avoid the temptation to look all the time if we have received something.

  1. Do not listen to music while studying

Although some studies suggest that listening to classical music can increase our concentration, another recent study has shown that studying with a rhythmic background sound can hinder concentration and those studying without music outperform.