Choosing a College Major: What You Need to Know

How to study better

First things first: Don’t freak out! Many students think that once you choose your major the rest of your life has just been set in stone and you’ve committed to the one and only road map of your future. Nothing could be further from the truth, especially in today’s job market. You may realize the major you’ve decided upon is indeed the direction your life and career ultimately take, while for some students the exact opposite occurs. Life has a funny way of twisting and turning in ways you never expected. So when you’re considering a major there are some things you really should know before you commit to one over another. Here are the important things to keep in mind as you weigh your options.

Do Something That Interests You

That’s the first place to start, think about what it is that excites and engages you. That can be just about anything and once you can identify what it is then you can start to seek out the college majors that offer instruction in that particular field or industry. But it all starts with your personal preference and it’s important you tune out any outside influences that may be urging you to pursue something that doesn’t pique your interest. If you commit to a major at Stanford University that doesn’t interest you, then what’s the point really?

Ask Around

While it’s important to focus on your own personal interests, it can also be helpful to discuss your options with others. Talk to your guidance counselor, a career adviser, teachers, friends, and your parents, anyone who knows and cares about you. They can be very useful sounding boards to help you decide which path to take. If pursuing ACU’s conflict resolution degree is something you’re not fully committed to just yet, discuss your reservations with someone you trust.

Test the Waters

Choosing a major might depend upon your willingness to try out a few classes first. If you have a few options in mind, you can attend courses that are related to those particular majors and see if you like what they offer. Feeling a major out first is often the most important thing you can do to help you figure out what you ultimately want to study. Take as many introductory courses as you wish so you can really get a sense of what each major entails.

Your Major Won’t Define Your Life

You never know what the future holds, so the most important thing to know about choosing a college major is that you might get a degree in a certain field of study just to realize your plans don’t turn out as you expect. You may end up in a different field altogether after you graduate. The job market for your major may not be all that wide-ranging and you have to find something else to do. Maybe you’re not actually cut out for that field after all. There is a myriad of things that could happen down the line, so while it’s good to be prepared for the future with a chosen major, it doesn’t mean you’ll actually be working in that field later on.