How to find the most suitable method of study to you


Everyone says that we need to find a good method of study, but how do you figure out which one best suits your needs?

What will you learn?

  • The techniques to be able to find the most suitable method of study to you and your needs

So that the time spent on the books makes the best, you need to find a good method of study. The problem, for most students, however, is only one: how do you figure out which is the one that best suits your characteristic? In this guide we will give you the tips you need to find out what is the best method of study for you, and which are in principle the most profitable techniques to bring home a good result.

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Method of effective study: How to find the right?

To do well in school must have a good method of study. It sounds more or less like the great truth that the students are handed down without grasping one generation to the bottom of the significance. We clarify first of all a concept: the study method is the technique which allows you to learn a certain subject as quickly as possible and as effectively as possible. The problem lies in the fact that, in reality, there is no method of effectively universal study, it can adjust to the characteristics of each student.

Some people learn everything simply pointing out that, who needs the design or concept maps, those who spend hours and hours on the books and who needs only a quick look at the day of the lesson to remember everything. In short, every mind has its own unique and inimitable structure, each student has the skills and specific skills and is virtually impossible to lay down a rule on how to study that works for everyone. Precisely for this reason, it is extremely important that everyone can find the most suitable system to its own characteristics. How to do? Follow the advice in this guide.

Method of effective study: Basic elements to their method of study

To find the most suitable method of study you will need, first of all, study. The only way to truly understand what their skills and what their limits is in fact to test them in a practical way, with the exercise.

There are some basic items that you will need to consider to begin to structure your personal method of study. Then you need to answer, in a completely sincere, the following questions …

1. How much you get distracted?

Be aware of their propensity for distraction is absolutely necessary. If you are a student who very easily tends to get lost in thought during the study phase, you will need to take adequate measures. e.g.:

  • Properly choose the place where you set out to study, perhaps in a quiet place without people talking
  • Away from you all the possible distractions : phone, television, computers and more.
  • These small precautions will enter already become part of your study method.

2. How long is your concentration?

There are students who are able to sit for hours in front of the books always with the same intensity and the same degree of attention; others, that after half an hour they hear the head in smoke and continue learning more and more difficult and slow. It is surely a matter of training, but also depends on its characteristics. You to which category you belong? To find out, you just need metronomic during the study and control how long you can stay focused before starting to slow down.

3. What are the materials you find most difficult?

As well as those concerning the concentration, it is important to realize also what are its limitations related to the subject studied. Each of us is more inclined to a subject rather than another and this factor could influence the selection of study methods. It is therefore advisable that you make a list, written, of the matters that you have to study, from the most to the least difficult.

Once you have answered these questions, you’ll start to fill out a roadmap to be followed in the study: Depending on your concentration skills you will need to provide for breaks to catch his breath and regain the attention necessary to continue to study. Also it is preferable to start with the materials that are most difficult, in order to address them with a fresh mind and keep you to the end of your afternoon studies simpler ones.

You may also like to read another article on WeiWeiCS: The Cornell Method: How to Take Notes at Best!

Method of effective study: Find your

At this point you will need to do is select the method of study that you think is most appropriate based on your characteristics. To figure out which one is really able to help you, it is absolutely essential to try them all and compare them with each other. The most effective will not be what will allow you to take a higher rating (evaluation, more often, is the result of multiple factors), but one with which manage to feel more prepared struggling less. These are some of the most effective methods of study:

1. Schemes

This study method is suitable for those with a schematic memory, from a simple keyword manages to reconnect the broader concept set forth in the book page. Prepare diagrams and concept maps will thus be useful in this case it is in the process of learning, to imprint well the concepts in the mind, both in the review, because it will allow you with a simple look at the scheme built to remember the entire lesson.

2. Summaries

The summaries are useful for those who, to remember the concepts, they need to write them and rework them with their own words. To be able to get the best out of this method of study, it is very important to take notes in class, and then, once back home, copy them into beautiful integrating them with the most important book concepts.

3. Read and repeat

This is the classic study method, what we are taught at primary school. It is useful for those who still fail to reprocess in a personal way concepts and need to rely on the book. It is essential to try to fully understand what the book says, without incarceration in mechanical and almost anonymous way: by doing so, in fact, of what you have studied do not remain anything. Therefore, carefully read what is written on the book, tries to make you a brief summary of mind, then close the book and repeat … and be careful not to peek!

4. Voice recordings

This study method is probably the one best suited to university students, who have the ability to record the lesson the teacher. But even if your teacher allows you to use a voice recorder you can try this technique, especially suited to those who have a strong auditory memory. Once back at home again hear the lecture of the professor taking some notes schematic. Then it’s up to you: you will have to repeat what they have learned, by recording your voice, and listen again. Meanwhile you will need to check on the book if the things you said are right or not, and to deepen those passages in which you felt less secure.