Methods for children to learn to read

Education tips

Children can learn to read in different languages… There are several ways for children to learn to read in a language. These methods can also be used to teach a second or a third language to the child. The synthetic method is the traditional method for teaching children to read, but there are other methods such as the analytical method also known as global and Glenn Doman method, whose excellent results are already recognized worldwide.

Education tips
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Synthetic method for learning to read: the traditional

It is the first method used in education, and that everyone knows. It began teaching the parties to achieve a global goal. Therefore, the first thing to teach children is the alphabet starting with vowels and while graphology thereof practiced. Once you get to know and mastering the different letters, sounds are introduced so that children can identify as they sound the same when coupled with other, ma, ca …

The next step will be to learn the words and end up in the sentences. In conclusion, it begins analyzing the smallest part of the word up to the most complex forms, phrases.In some cases, you can start with syllables instead of letters. Thus, they may become able to read for themselves stories, poems or fables.

The analytical method for children’s reading

The analytical method is intended that the child is able to read. To do this, it relies on visual bombing and the relationship of images in words. The teaching of reading happens to know the structures and all the words to crumble down to the letters. Try to be more dynamic than the synthetic method and also stimulates the child’s logic.

It is a method that is usually applied shortly after having served three years, and its foundation lies in the combination of words and text with images, so for example there are many children before they learn to read, they can read trademarks they have seen much, or even a few short slogans, which to this method, it is working with bits of intelligence beginning with the words most familiar result to the children as their name, mom, dad, and stick with words everyday life, such as window table … the best help for the method is the use of tabs and murals in the class, we can put in the nursery and even at home. Any time is ideal for stimulating the child, we can do watching television or walking and reading the signs that we are on the street. Thus it is going to be easier to learn the more you draw attention the images you see next to the word.

By learning to read with this method, we are skipping a step, learning the alphabet.Some experts believe that this will cause deficits in language long-term faults orthographical. For this reason, it is important to focus on learning the spelling, although the child and reads well without learning the alphabet. Once the child begins to read their first words we must simultaneously teach the alphabet. If we see that the child does not have the necessary maturity, we will slowly and without pressing, trying to make learning as a game for him.

The Glenn Doman method to read, the most international

This is one of the most recognized in the world methods. Created in the 50s by Glenn Doman, we could define it as the father also of the analytical method, since its foundation is the ratio of images and sounds. Glenn Doman was the creator of the bits of intelligence, high simplicity chips for white backgrounds (so that the child does not lose its focus on minor details) and organized in very specific groups, animals, transportation … The method gets the child relate the images with words.

Learning to read in two languages: what method to use?

When a child to learn a second language, one of the biggest challenges is that the child likes and is a game to him, since in recent years are finding growth of children who hate and fear the total catch to a new language. This is usually due to excessive pressure for language learning and malpractice at the time to teach it.

Learning a second language in children should be performed in the most natural way without any pressure. Children should play while learning. Young children have much more ability to learn from which we imagine, the issue is that the child does not see it as a challenge, but as the way it has to relate to someone close, a teacher, a family … No hurry to learn to read in a second language. The ideal age can be at 6 years of age.