Skills to manage your time and tasks

Time Management

Although basic training in this work as ambitious should from school, from the first entry in the door, the truth is that, as we say, is a set of skills of complex acquisition and highly personalized: so that, for many efforts that other people do to help you , who better can be “taught” to manage time is neither more nor less, you.

Everyone is different: each has its threshold concentration, its capacity (that is learned, yes, but with practice … after years and years of practice), and the conditions of life (time available for rest and recovery, for example) and other features such as memory or tastes each, which can greatly influence the ability of dedication to a task and others. So the first thing you should do is meet: putting in more or less standard and personalizing, adapting techniques practice as you work, improving them and adjusting them to you. The truth is that effective management of tasks will ensure, for example, more free time and less stress.

Time Management
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Step 1: Observe our circumstances

We will record how long we have (always estimating the maximum) to carry out the tasks, what other occupations require time and our leisure, do routine tasks, and what environment we have: there is silence, good light, too many distractions …? Detects problems and think of solutions

Step 2: We developed a series of routine tasks, and other unforeseen estimate

This estimate we need to calculate how much time will yield maximum.

Analyze objectives: for example, this week, the quarter of the academic year. I recommend you start with the larger goal (e.g. finish high school) and go breaking it down into more and more immediate goals. Daily, also, you must set goals: a good goal is to finish your tasks on time and run.

Step 3: Think “prizes”

Imagine that, in a month, every day, or nearly all, you met your goals. What would motivate you to continue to comply therewith? A reinforcing positive behavior that, of course, that will help you fix the habit.

Step 4: Not enough to make a check-list infinite every day to go leaving “tomorrow” tasks that can not keep

A good list is a list of tasks with all crossed out : for that, you must learn to realistically set and prioritize your tasks. If you calculate tasks regardless the time limit that you have,begin to accumulate work: that means less time and more stress.

You may also like to read another article on WeiWeiCS: 8 common tactics to motivate

Example: You have had English class (you return to have it within 2 days), Mathematics (tomorrow will review the activities sent for home) and Language and Literature. English have an activity whose resolution, estimates, it takes you longer than the rest. The priority would be 3. The activity of Mathematics is the most time could take you, according to your calculations and also must be delivered tomorrow: Priority 1 and Priority 2 for Language and Literature. Even if you calculus tomorrow have a lighter school day, you could spend more time and dedication to priorities 1 and 2, and spend more time, later, to English. But maybe not: you might like it leave you tied your tasks in the day. Well, both options would be correct, but you have to estimate the convenience yourself / a distribution and planning to do.

Step 5: Turn off the phone and close the Facebook

It is full of crooks and thieves of time lurking and wanting to get you out of house after hours: do not give in. You have left free time for leisure, right? That’s it. Stick to your plans.

Step 6: Assume that, do it right, not do “fast”

Things take the time they have … not “better” do 3 mediocre 2 activities to do well done at the same time reference; except to muddle through, of course.

It is also not be more hours do better. Do what you have to do at the right time and necessary: do not get more time (because you will lose time) or less (because they do wrong, or not do)

Step 7: Do one thing at a time, and forget multitasking

Focus on one task, then another and then another. Do not jump and try to bring coherence to your study day. Take short breaks periodically (every 30 minutes for example).