The 10 most accessible cities for students

Study Abroad

Studying abroad can be a great adventure, but for this we must choose a place that suits our economic possibilities

Finding the right career and the university offering the best program according to our needs can be challenging. In addition, change cities and begin to live abroad involves running at great cost, when there is not a grant of financial support is best to seek cities and careers available within our budget.

Study Abroad
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The website Top Universities has developed a ranking of the 10 cities that are more accessible to students class=”Apple-converted-space”> , considering the cost of tuition and living expenses for food, transport, health and other items to consider. Some may be quite obvious, but others sure to surprise you.

1. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Tuition cost 4 times less than in the UK, and the cost of living is really low. It also offers a wide university offer in which you will surely find an option that you find interesting.

2. Warsaw, Poland

Is cost of day to day life is very low, while impress tourists from around the world. This is a great incentive to move to Warsaw, but also tuition costs are also very low. The main focus of research is the University of Warsaw .

3. Hsinchu, Taiwan

Two universities dominate the educational landscape of this historic city combining modernity of the XXI century with the culture and traditions of the past.

4. Berlin, Germany

Prices of daily life have increased in years, but the big advantage is that tuition fees are free for students from EU countries.

5. Taipei, Taiwan

The costs are higher than in Hsinchu, Taiwan’s capital but offers a more active social and cultural life with a wide variety of activities for students.

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6. Munich, Germany

In science the University of Munich  is one of the most recognized worldwide, and while the cost of living is low in this city, tuition is free for students from countries outside the EU, which makes it a good option.

7. Vienna, Austria

Although the cost of living is high, the quality is good. There are several universities which you can choose, and besides that, tuition is free for students from EU countries.

8. Mexico City, Mexico

While the cost of tuition can reach four thousand per year, the cost of food and transportation is really low. In addition, the UNAM is one of the most globally recognized universities, and if you get some kind of scholarship that allows you to reduce the costede registration, this will be an excellent choice.

9. Valencia, Spain

The first of the Spanish cities in this ranking. Tuition and the cost of living is much lower than in Madrid or Barcelona, ​​which is extremely attractive for students from all over the world.

10. Toulouse, France

A city that is home to more students around the world, the low cost of their tuition but also for the diversity of options offered when choosing a college.