How important is the appearance in oral exams?


The truth is that it also matters how you communicate with, in addition to what you have stored. In fact there are several factors that influence our listeners.

Why university exams some students less prepared manage to get away or even get better grades than others? The truth is that it also matters how you communicate with, in addition to what you have stored. In fact there are several factors that influence our listeners.

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1. Presentation

Although it is obvious to say, always be polite. Presented dressed neatly and try not to be rude or sloppy.

2. Posture

Sit composed and relaxed, not stiff and do not fuss too much on the chair. Looks into his eyes examiners. To express yourself you can help with gestures, but do not overdo it.

3. Language

Speak in an understandable, clear and fluent. Use the specific terms of matter but do not tell too many big words out of context, or you’ll look like cocky. A touch of humor never hurts, but avoids unnecessary trips or banality.

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4. Tone of voice

Reply aloud to let you know well and to appear confident. Scan the words properly but do not yell, otherwise it will troublesome listen. Do not bite your words and not to lower the tone of voice when COMPLETE sentences, or give the impression of being fearful and insecure.

5. Silence

Do you think that being too quiet for a short time is a bad signal? In fact you can take small breaks to think about what you were asked and to process the answer at best.

6. Beware of keywords

If you do not know an answer to formulation ask the question in other words. Try to grasp some key words that you do go back to mind a few details of what you have studied and that are familiar. Although the answer will not be 100% correct, however you demonstrate you have studied. And if you’re lucky you induce prof to abandon the first question and you really talk about what you want!