The new academic year is approaching fast, and it is time to start thinking about how to handle the dreaded workload. Here are five tips to help you study with greater efficiency, from a real professional!
1) Personalize your desk
If chaos does not bother you, do not order! But if an ordered desk corresponds to an ordered mind, it is wiser to keep things in place and well organized. If this means investing in some box, folder, ring binder and pen holder, do not hesitate to do so! After all, you’re going to invest in your studies.
2) Pause
Interrupting the study may not seem the most efficient way to achieve learning goals, but if you work best in short but intense periods, this may be the best method for you. If you find that your concentration decreases after an hour, take a short pause of 5-10 minutes and then resume.
3) Use the right technology!
Whatever your course, make sure you have the best laptop or tablet for your needs. For example, if you need a laptop to write reports and your work relies heavily on Word documents and Excel worksheets, Dell Inspiron is a great solution. It’s a laptop that works hard, perfect for a hard-working student, and has everything you need! If you are on a creative course, the Dell XPS might be more suitable for you, because of the incredible quality of your screen and the Retina display.
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4) Leave multitasking
Switching from task to task without actually ending one before starting the next can be counterproductive. You may have the impression of being more productive, but in fact every time you move from one task to another you need to refocus the attention, and this will waste you time. If you focus on a task at a time you will find that it will be much easier to complete all your work!
5) Be prepared
Make sure you know your goals well before you get to work. Divide the job into sections, write lists of things to do, and maybe even try to use task management software like Trello. These tools allow you to organize projects, workload, and preparation activities so you know exactly what you need to complete before you can move on to the next task.