University: The 7 tips to become a model student


Many university students are daily struggling with the study of subjects. The real problem is that it’s not just the amount of hours spent studying that make a good and deserving student, but also quality. For example studying 3 hours with the distracted mind it is much less effective than studying 2 hours but with the mind extremely focused. That’s why we offer you 7 rules that will make you a model student.

1) WAKE UP TO THE MORNING: If a day for a student starts at 10 or 11 in the morning, making the study is really complex not having the part of the day where learning and concentration are undoubtedly higher

2) STUDY WITH CONSTANCE: Avoid (if not for objectively simple matters) to open the book 3 weeks before and studying from 8 am to midnight. This will involve stress for you and also a lower return. Open the subjects for time and study the hours that you can dedicate daily: when 4, when 6, when 2 and so compatibly with your commitments. Remember that in the study as well as in all the commitments of life constancy is undoubtedly one of the most important qualities. A student who has studied a lot for many days will be much more successful than a student who studies a lot in a few days

3) DO NOT BELIEVE UNIVERSITY LEGENDS: Unsurpassed subjects, professors who reject immediately and for minimal errors .. do not believe all these stories, they will only increase your stress and your anxiety. The exams are extremely subjective experiences. Ask yourself, for example, why the same exam can be considered by some impossible and some others simple. Everyone has his experience. Do not be negative. At least not a priori.

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4) PURPOSE OF THE OBJECTIVES: As soon as the exam calendar is published, immediately draw up an ideal program of subjects to give and in which dates of appeals to support them. You will have to do this considering your ability in the study (for this a freshman will be disadvantaged, not having the right experience to quantify exactly the time necessary to study a subject) and, obviously, the difficulty of the subjects. Getting organized is essential, your organized study will be much more effective than a confusing one

5) PREPARE YOUR SPEECH: For every possible question, prepare your speech for at least 3-4 minutes. The importance of not making a mute scene, of showing oneself safe at the first question of an exam, will bring down the risk of being postponed to very low levels and at that point it will only be a question of voting

6) INFORMING THE QUESTIONS OF AN EXAM: By now gathering the questions asked for an exam has become extremely simple with the progress of the social networks and with the groups of students, especially those dedicated to a single subject. For example, sometimes it may happen that questions are asked that do not correspond exactly to a paragraph of your book. Knowing them first and being able to prepare an appropriate answer, if added to point 5, will bring the rejection chances to the level of practically 0.

7) TRY TO UNDERSTAND: This is the last fundamental advice. In a subject, do not just express a concept by heart. When exposed, it is easy for examiners to understand whether they have studied “a parrot” or with a critical mindset. The critical mentality means understanding what a thing means and also expressing it in its own words. It is one of the perhaps most complex aspects of university study. But also what will really make you a model student.

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