How to become restorer


If you find that the ancient world still has much to tell us and you are in the throes of a real Stendhal Syndrome when you find yourself in front of an extraordinarily beautiful fresco, then it should consider whether to convene the careers of restorer. It is not just to “fix” what the weather ruined, the goal of the restorer is to give new life to the work which is restoring, whether it’s a painting, a fresco or a plaque.

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That of the restorer is a job that manages to combine the love of art with the love for antiquity. The restorer’s work consists of several stages: first of all, the restorer must make a very careful assessment of the work conditions, that is, to analyze the deterioration, to assess to what extent it is possible to work without the risk of further damaging the work, study the history of opera, while paying special attention to the restoration suffered previously, in order to better contemplate the possibilities of intervention. Once you have decided how to intervene, the restorer is responsible then the work as a restoration workshop. The restorer of cultural assets mature a privileged relationship with the works of art, why should so much love matter of his work. In addition to this, it will also serve a specific preparation to be able to get to work at high levels.

That of Restorer is a fascinating profession that has finally a clear course that crosses Universities, Vocational Schools and Institutes of excellence. The training of restorers went through difficult years, marked by lack of clarity and misleading paths: at present, in the light of the new directives issued by the Ministry of heritage and Culture, there are several training opportunities. Professionalism in the field of restoration is attested by certificates recognized by law attesting to the skills acquired and put in a position to operate on the goods to be restored. These qualifications are essentially two: The restorer of cultural goods and the Technical and Restoration of Cultural Property.

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The restorer of cultural goods is a professional who defines the conservation status and implements a set of actions to limit the degradation processes of the materials that make up the assets, safeguarding the cultural value. The restorer analyzes data related to the materials, the technique of execution and the state of conservation of interpreting heritage. The conservator can also plan and direct the other operators who carry out complementary activities to the restoration.

Technical Restoration of Cultural Property, however, is the professional who works with the restorer performing certain actions to limit the degradation processes of the goods and ensure its preservation. These operations are conducted in accordance with the methodological and operational guidelines of the restorer. Technical Restoration also has responsibility for the care of the environment of work and equipment. It ‘important to note that this profile corresponds to the status of Collaborator Restorer of Cultural Heritage. How to obtain these qualifications:

Bachelor’s, Master’s and Single-cycle

Several universities have implemented courses Bachelor in Technology for the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property followed by master’s degrees in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property. These courses aim to train specialists capable of working in the conservation of cultural heritage with the risk assessment, study, preparation and management of interventions. The subjects studied ranging from chemistry and physics to the technology of materials. These courses do not allow automatic obtaining the qualification of Restorer, but only Collaborator Restorer. Some institutions have set up degree courses in one cycle, as the course degree in Conservation and restoration of cultural heritage, which deliver a practical and theoretical training in the field of restoration. At the end of first degree courses in one cycle you are obtained directly the qualification of Restorer. You can also specialize in specific areas such as the restoration of stone, or that of wooden items or archival and library materials.

Courses, schools and vocational schools

The art world allows those interested to specialize in many different areas. Throughout there are professional schools, Academies and Institutes offering restoration courses at different levels and with different specializations. These courses are very different from each other: they can be triennial or biennial with direct work experience in companies or workshops of restorers.