How to design: Types of MOOC courses and eLearning courses

Types of MOOC

The MOOC are fashionable; everyone has completed one, or at least noted. There are many types of MOOC; if you are in an academic institution and you are interested MOOCs may begin to give you useful this taxonomy. If your case is an eLearning company or a school of average lessons that wants to implement online learning platform, we teach the basic schematic guide.

Types of MOOC
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What types of MOOCs there? 

Transfer MOOCs: A university makes available to the public, in general, existing courses he has done in the past

Made MOOCs:  Are more innovative, making effective use of video and interactive material. Usually new courses and quality

Synch MOOCs: With departure and end

Asynch MOOCs: Are more flexible, without departure or end

Adaptive MOOCs: The learning experience is personalized and dynamic evaluation is based on data collection during the course development

Group MOOCs: The main line of work is in small groups.

Connectivist MOOCS: Emphasis is focusing on the connection lines peer networking

Mini MOOCSs: Is smaller than the traditional MOOC, with a more limited audience.

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  1. Open: To whom and how open the MOOC?
  2. Massively: Towards how many people and on what scale open it ? What number of participants allow?
  3. Diversity: How far? Does it require learning or prior training? Is it specific? Specificity required to guide potential students about the expected level MOOC
  4. Using Multimedia: Quantity and variety. Video-issues?
  5. Communication: Degree of communication, ways and times (forums, private messaging, P2P)
  6. Collaboration: Small groups, peer, single …
  7. Reflection: To what extent it is recommended reflection, how important is for evaluation, whether there is no place and what space left between subjects to reflect on learning
  8. Itinerary: Order and coherence, decision thread.
  9. Quality: Under what assumptions and indicators and decided to evaluate the quality of MOOC
  10. Formal learning: How to link to or formal educational offerings
  11. Autonomy: Degree of autonomy vs. heteronomy degree (dependence on others / as)