Online training. Advantages and disadvantages of e-education

Online training

Online training- On-line education can now be heard very often. But what exactly is re-education and is it suitable for us? In today’s article, we will try to answer all these questions.

Online training is a method of distance learning with the help of the Internet and a computer. We, as well as all over the world, companies, educational institutions, tutors choose the introduction of re-education for the training of their employees and students. Teachers create their own courses, conduct webinars, share knowledge and earn good money in this.

Benefits of online training for the organizer

Online training

High-efficiency thanks to the use of convenient tools: presentations, tests, video, chat, screen display, the ability to repeatedly review the lesson. Read more: Top 3 Idea Online Learn For Accounting Courses

It is easier to follow the success of each student.

E-education saves money and is great for staff training, especially in organizations where workers often change. Everyone can save because you do not have to constantly pay the coach or rent a room, pay for living.

You can conduct training from any place and at the same time always look professional.

No one is late for the lecture – thanks to the mobile application, you can connect to the lesson, even from the mobile.

Disadvantages of online learning for the organizer:

best Online training

Each speaker must learn to use the platform for e-learning and master the techniques of effective online seminars. You should ideally prepare each lesson, lecture or task also from a technical point of view. It is important that each teacher uses methods of keeping students’ attention, otherwise, they can simply fall asleep at the computer. Read more: Advantages and disadvantages of distance learning

Acquaintance with technical issues, choice of equipment and the suitable platform for conducting courses.

Now everyone who has the talent of the teacher and the passion for learning can make a career by creating their own e-learning courses for distance learning. To choose, fortunately, there is something: the creation of small podcasts links to which can be placed on your page or on YouTube; conducting webinars or seminars online, which can invite even a few thousand people at a time; Create a program for each student’s learning separately.

The advantages of e-learning for the student:

 a Online training

Online learning makes it easy to choose a convenient time and place for learning, like your own pace.

It is easy to contact the instructor with the help of chat, mail, forum or audio/video communication on the platform for distance learning.

Many shy people find it easier to venture into online courses.

E-learning for the student:

student Online training

A pupil may not have enough personal contact with the teacher or other students.

To understand the materials and tasks during the e-learning will take more time.

Some cannot concentrate during the lectures, especially since there is always the temptation to look into the social network or just close the browser tab.

The results of studies on the effectiveness of online education are mixed. E-learning has a number of undoubted advantages, but it also has its drawbacks, as well as the traditional way of teaching. Most importantly, thanks to online education, the students of courses can effectively, conveniently and fairly cheaply learn.

If you also plan to implement your own e-learning system, conduct webinars or online training, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the possibilities of the MyOwnConference online education platform.

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Zimiya Taylor

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