How to write an email to a professor


One of the tasks that, like it or not, involve more young college student and beyond. Here’s what and how to write an email to the teacher that you want to contact.

How to write a mail to the teacher: What to do?

Yes, how many times we happen to have to write to a teacher to know when the next call, as will be worth his vote or simply to ask for some clarification on the lessons? Many, perhaps too many. And in this e-mail he has made it really simple and immediate things (think if we were to write paper letters!).

As though the email is a form of quick and easy communication, it does not mean that we can write as if there to our best friend. And that I think is pretty obvious to everyone, but the very fact of having to use appropriate language, formal often makes us even abandon the idea of writing an email. But it is not the only case, in fact, occurs more frequently the exact opposite problem: an excess of formalism.

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Often it happens that, undecided on what to write, you throw the worst language while claiming to hide our insecurity behind in terms courtly and refined:

“Distinguished Professor Patrick,

I am a student of the third year of the option x. I am writing, hoping not to affect it disorder, with the purpose of asking when they will begin the lessons of his course x, since, not being able to pass on the faculty because of a debilitating illness and had been unable to contact any of my companions because of problems with the phone, I had no way to inspect the schedules posted on our faculty website, schedules that are no longer present.

Thank you for his great availability.

With best regards,

Name surname”

Now, at first glance this might seem correct email. Syntactically and grammatically it is. But the registry is a disaster. Let’s start from the beginning.

  1. Distinguished Professor XYZ

As we cannot write “Dear Professor XYZ”, does as well laugh exceed with the attributes (and knows that lackeys). The rule in truth would require using “dear” with men and “gentle” with women, but I honestly do not see why there should be different treatment of the two parties. A simple “Dear Professor XYZ”, then, will be fine.

  1. (…) I am a student of the third year of the x power.

Here the professor might think “I’m glad, but who are you?”, And would have all the reason in the world. You have to show up, ALWAYS, even if there is signed. We, too, usually, when we read an email or letter, we want to know immediately who we are writing. So I expect the teacher immediately.

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  1. I am writing, hoping not to affect it disturbing …

Well, you still have not asked for anything, and already you excuse me? Cut immediately. It is a phrase exaggerated modesty. Add rather, the end of the email, a simple: “I apologize for any inconvenience”.

  1. (…) because, having failed to pass in faculties and having been unable to contact any of my companions because of problems with the phone, I had no way to inspect the timetable published on our faculty website, schedules that they are no longer present.

Three-quarters of the teachers will think “What interests me?”. And they are right: what does it matter to know the reasons why you failed to see the times (especially if, to justify yourself, try to climb in a very credible excuse. The only excuse that the teacher knows is death!). Simply write: “since I could not see the timetable published on the faculty website, no longer available in the public notice board …”.

  1. (…) Thank you for his great availability.

He has not responded and now we praise her – big (?) – Availability? Does not “thank you in advance / beforehand” will be just fine.

  1. (…) Yours sincerely,

Name surname

Whatever, but not “distinct.” “Distinguished” in Italian means something different, which is beyond the norm. By itself does not have a positive sense, but to “fine, elegant”. So pleasant that your intent is to offer him the “greetings elegant” will be much better to use a less out of place, as “cordial greetings” or, quite simply, “greetings.”

  1. So here’s how it should look our mail:

“Dear Professor XYZ,

Are Name Surname, a student of the third year of the x power. I am writing to ask when they begin the lessons of its x course, since I have not got to see the timetable published on our faculty website, which now are gone.

Thank you in advance and I apologize for the trouble.

Best regards,

Name surname”

Simple, fast and effective. Remember that the more you try a polished language and wordy, more bored the recipient: you’re still addressing a teacher, you are not asking for the hand of a beauty to an aristocrat of the late nineteenth century!