How to adapt the teaching to the pace of student learning


The educational intervention that has come out in Meyer Elementary School in Michigan, one of the best in the state: our and our teachers are facing increasingly crowded, complex and heterogeneous classes. For that reason, we have decided to share this experience.

How you can perform the teaching process?

Normally, the process is “universal”: each student receives the same education in the same way everyone else. A second step, would individually meet the particularities only those people with disabilities who show special educational needs. The rest of the class is divided into small groups (for example, 6) sloped or practicing activities focused on the wants, needs, strengths and potential areas for improvement to develop those skills already enjoy.

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In the third step we find a class divided into smaller groups of 2-3 students, and, if necessary, with individual attention which indicate that major issues or disabling condition.

This facilitates, on the one hand, managing large classrooms, and secondly, at the same time allows more individualized teaching and more effective learning, including skills and knowledge to benefit from collaborative work in groups.

Learning is a very personal process, especially during childhood: the proximity to the teacher is very important and it starts with good communication.

It is important to use a conversational tone and calm voice, affirming and giving consistently positive feedback to further facilitate teachers acquiring expectations regarding his that are appropriate to the reality students.

You may also like to read another article on WeiWeiCS: Tips for greater efficiency study, applicable to all parts of the world

How do I coordinate it?

Depending on the pluralized classroom, it may be necessary or not a joint action of the center: the Meyer School of which we speak, was at plant level and agile 40-minute weekly meetings were fixed; many of them chaired by experts or expert. The joint and coordinated work at plant level is important for innovative work. To do this, you need a group evaluation of the progress of each student, the qualitative data collection and quantitative and continuous evaluation of innovation taking into account targets and indicators consistent with our objectives.

How will you assess progress? What form of powers, qualitative …? What kind of objective testing and evaluation activities better the needs, age and stage of cognitive and emotional development of your students and students adapt? How you are unfolding classes? From the internal point of view, what problems and what ideas are finding each other can to bring you the teachers to bring them solution?