How to Write a Bachelor’s Thesis: 5 Things You May Not Know

How to Write a Bachelor’s Thesis? A question faced by all college students sooner or later. Here are 5 tips to avoid mistake!

Bachelor’s Thesis: What to Know?

How to Write a Bachelor’s Thesis? This is a question that sooner or later arriving at all college students – this is, in fact, the last obstacle before leaving the school benches forever and diving into the work world. The degree thesis is the testimony of the years spent among the university benches, an analysis and reflection on the subjects studied and an opportunity to show the skills acquired and appropriately reworked.

The criteria for writing often change on the basis of the University of Applied Sciences and, sometimes, also in relation to the faculty: the teachers will be called upon to follow the student in drawing up his report to provide all the technical details of the case, albeit inevitably some doubts remain. Here are 5 things you probably did not know about writing a Bachelor’s thesis … and in the mouth of the wolf for the big day.

study habits
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What is it and what is it for?

Many young people, especially humanities graduates, confident that the fruit of so much work can be published to give new light to the topic being considered. The truth is that very often the degree thesis is a fine work to itself. Nevertheless, it is better not to go for a start: dealing with a current topic with innovation could also open up some lucky gates to the world of work.

The degree thesis can be compilation or experimental: in the first case it will be to collect materials and fairy tales on a topic to summarize and deepen it; In the second case, however, it is about developing its own innovative research project.

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Indexes and footnotes are crucial

Well yes, those parts of the text that used to jump without blinking can be of great help in searching and choosing the sources to use to fabricate your workbook. Thanks to these precious tools, you can avoid reading dozens of books, but focus on only important parts of the topic of your degree thesis. Just as elementary school teachers teach, before writing a theme, you need to be well aware of all the points you will have to deal with, and what better way to do this if you do not draw up a practice ladder?

Also, remember that it is essential to include the sources used in your thesis: at footer you have to include all the references used in your text.

The Ladder

Although the students have grown up and reached the university, the principle remains the same: the ladder remains a fundamental tool for starting the graduation thesis, which will later turn into a detailed index

Copy or Copy?

That is the question! There are not a few students who are in a hurry or white page panic thinking of “borrowing” some parts from other processed or online documents. Practically all human, but beware: many universities are making the best use of computer technology to fine-tune programs that undergo graduate theses … It’s better not to bark with their hands in the bag.

When to write it?

In this case it is better to abandon the old habits. The discussion of the degree thesis is not a question any and the teacher will not allow the unruly student to do bad shape. The risk is to be postponed to the next graduation session … and never as in this case time is money!