The personalized education in 4 steps

Personalized education

As a student, once you have felt disheartened or discouraged in class. You keep looking at the clock the classroom while the hours pass slowly, wishing it’s all over and you can go out and be free. Chances are you’ve wondered what is necessary to digest all those tons of information that you find it boring or unrelated to the real world. At the end of the day, you may prefer to teach you how to communicate more effectively, or how not to spend stage fright before a presentation or, for example, how to write stories or more consistent and impactful stories. In addition, if in your study center not talk about any of this, every day I feel more disconnected or disconnected and no one gets inspired. All this leads to lower your notes and frustration increases, both for yourself and for your family.

Personalized education
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On the other hand, do not you think the subjects schedules and agendas are too corseted, are very rigid? Why standardize all these things, if each person has different interests and learning rhythms, and spends time in their own way? For the truth it is that in some institutes have taken note of all these requests and give you the reason. This is a new trend that gives importance to student autonomy: the personalization of learning. In addition, it is here to stay.

1. What it is the personalization of learning?

Personalizing learning is based on very simple principles, almost common sense. In contrast to the rather passive, traditional education model in which a teacher transmits the plan canonical studies almost mechanically and sometimes boring, on the model of personalized learning, each student manages his time, your goals and learn what interests you internalize for their own life and future, both work and personal. Personalizing learning goes beyond traditional rote school scheme and aims to involve more students and teachers in learning. 

2. Learn real-world skills

Like program? Does the creative writing? Well to it! In personalized learning traditional content (natural sciences, history, mathematics) remain important, but not the learning of other disciplines, knowledge or techniques that can be valuable for a student disdains. This educational paradigm is much more flexible than the classic textbook or set of predefined concepts that are of great importance to traditional teaching.

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3. To give students control over their learning

We have become accustomed to students and teachers who remain physically in the same place (the classroom) for a set time. Freedom of movement is very controlled. This can increase the sense of detachment from the study center, to perceive it as a foreign entity that has no relation to students and teachers. It is best to rely on freedom and few measures, such as those established the High School Montpelier:

  • Taking care of yourself / a.
  • Care for others.
  • Take care of this place (the center).

Also, as a student you can have your own learning goals, such as knowing how to write properly, learn to solve problems, be creative, improve your communication or good citizenship. More importantly applying what you have learned that memorization of content.

4. Remember that students and teachers are people

In this model, there is no hierarchy between teacher and student, but we are all people. In the personalized education, all are equal as persons and are in the same boat.