Which Clothing Should You Pack for College?

Now that you’re off to college you’ve got a thousand things to think about before you leave. Freshman year brings a vast array of challenges and life changes, none of which should be hindered by your wardrobe. Packing your clothes for the upcoming Fall semester may seem daunting because your first instinct is going to tell you to take far more than you’ll really need.

However, don’t fall into that trap because not only will you not have enough closet space in your dorm, but you likely won’t wear half of what you brought. Not to mention the fact that you’re going to be up to your neck in T-shirts and school gear once you get to campus. So what should you pack as you prepare to start your college career? We’re going to help you make the transition smooth as possible.

Comfortable Clothes for Class

First things first, you’ll need clothes to wear to your classes. Stuff that’s comfortable and you can throw on fast when you wake up five minutes before you’re supposed to be there and you have to run all the way across campus. But nothing too distracting with graphics and logos or silly sayings, like a sometimes I wet my plants shirt. Be sure to consider what the weather will be like as well. If you’re going to school in a region where there are major seasonal shifts, you’ll need to plan for cold and warm climates.

School Colors

You can always grab a T-shirt or sweatshirt with the school mascot on it but if you really want to show some school spirit, be sure you have outfits with the team colors for your school. That can be easier with some institutions than others, where red and blue may be simpler to coordinate than burnt orange or maroon and gold.

Professional Attire

Be sure you bring along at least one or two outfits in case you have to look professional for a school function or a job interview. That means a nice sports coat and slacks for the guys, a dress for the ladies. Suits are probably overdoing it for college life as you’ll likely never wear it and you only have so much room in that dorm closet. So skip the suit and grab some garments you’re likely to wear more often instead.


Yes, of course, you’re going to need shoes. But you don’t need thirty pairs. You only need one or two pairs of sneakers (a pair to wear to class and socializing and a pair for running or working out), one pair of nice loafers or heels. That’s pretty much all you need. Anything more than that is overkill so why bother?

Working Out

Fitness is important because the Freshman Fifteen is real! So to avoid putting on those unwanted pounds, get out and go for a run or hit the gym between classes. That means bringing along some workout gear that you can feel comfortable in when you’re getting that all-important exercise. Most campuses offer a gym and there are plenty of places to go for a jog.